Networking for Disaster Management in the Performing Arts
1:30 PM13:30

Networking for Disaster Management in the Performing Arts

Emergency response and preparedness for performing arts organizations can be a difficult task for individual organizations. This free 2 hour webinar will demonstrate how working with multiple organizations in a network for disaster management can be accomplished. The history of networking for improved emergency preparedness in the cultural heritage, arts, and government sectors will be examined, with an exploration of existing networks. Case studies of the Pennsylvania Cultural Resilience Network and CultureAID in New York City will be presented to help guide you on how to start your own, or join an existing, cooperative disaster network.

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Recording at Home Like a Pro
7:00 PM19:00

Recording at Home Like a Pro

Stuck at home but still need to record a song? Is podcasting is your new pandemic hobby? Recording from home doesn't need to be frustrating, and you can even build a great home set-up without breaking the bank. Join musicians Mark Kelso and Matt Zaddy for this webinar, and hear their tales of success, lessons learned, mistakes to avoid, and more at this webinar. Got questions about the best USB Microphone or the best software? Yep, they can help with that too!

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Introduction to Emergency Preparedness for Performing Arts Organizations
2:00 PM14:00

Introduction to Emergency Preparedness for Performing Arts Organizations

Localized emergencies, regional disasters, and catastrophic events can have a devastating impact on performing arts organizations where even a brief loss of business can threaten sustainability. This free 90 minute webinar will provide an introduction to why emergency preparedness is critical to protect your organization from external risks and internal vulnerabilities. These include human caused and natural crises. You will learn the typical process and contents of a plan, and receive information about resources to help with planning.

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Fire Safety and Preparedness for Performing Arts Organizations
2:00 PM14:00

Fire Safety and Preparedness for Performing Arts Organizations

Fire Safety is an essential element in the day to day preparedness of any organization, especially in the unique environment of the performing arts. In addition to sound emergency management principles, the application of National Fire Protection Association Standards (NFPA) will ensure that a comprehensive protection plan is developed in cooperation with appropriate emergency response partners. This free webinar will provide fire safety considerations and introduce best practices from the fire protection industry, which offers a road map to achieve fire safety benchmarks

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“Introduction to Festival Safety: The Art of Mass Gatherings Approach”
2:00 PM14:00

“Introduction to Festival Safety: The Art of Mass Gatherings Approach”

The Performing Arts Readiness project presents a new webinar: The Art of Mass Gatherings approach is grounded in skill-sharing between creatives, events producers, and the agencies and businesses that serve our communities. Performers, organizers, promoters, vendors, audiences and even the public can be incorporated into a collaborative network and engaged through proper planning and communication. Through a distinct curriculum led by Matthew Che Kowal, attendees' will be able to enhance their own events and gatherings.

Registration link:

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7:00 PM19:00


Join us on Thursday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m. (EST) for an important virtual panel discussion exploring the unique challenges faced by BIPOC artists in VT. A panel of 3 artists from across Vermont – Jennifer Herrera Condry (Brandon), Will Kasso (Brandon), and Harlan Mack (Johnson) will join together for a one-hour discussion, followed by a brief Q&A, facilitated by artist/moderator, ISAIAS of San Diego, CA.

For tickets go to

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Creative Money
7:00 PM19:00

Creative Money

Chris Enns is a certified financial planner (CFP) and opera singer. He has spent the last 10 years as a performing artist and learned the hard way that ignoring money doesn’t really work. He is the founder of Rags to Reasonable - an advice only financial planning & money coaching firm that specializes in working with creatives and people with other non-traditional financial situations.

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Safety and Security for Performing Arts
2:00 PM14:00

Safety and Security for Performing Arts

With the ever-changing nature of events, are you prepared for the unexpected? With audiences and Local Government agencies expecting more from you as an organizer, do you have plans in place to not only try and prevent, but also respond should any incident happen? Safety and Security are more important now than ever and more questions will be asked of you and what plans you have in place. This class will help event organizers and venues establish the key elements for prevention and responding to incidents of any shape or size.

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Vermont Recreation & Park Association  March Quarterly Meeting
9:00 AM09:00

Vermont Recreation & Park Association March Quarterly Meeting

Join us for this important discussion about safe outdoor venues. During this session, each panelist will speak about managing outdoor events during the pandemic. They will share examples that worked in 2020, share plans and possible venues for 2021, discuss public health updates and recommendations, and hear from ACCD on guidance updates for the upcoming summer. We will also outline & discuss a new initiative in the works to help artists and communities facilitate safe outdoor events this upcoming season.

Click to attend the meeting, view the agenda, donate, and more:

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Protecting Your Assets: Managing Legacy Materials for Performing Arts Organizations
3:00 PM15:00

Protecting Your Assets: Managing Legacy Materials for Performing Arts Organizations

Is your organization’s history in a basement, under water pipes, or next to the furnace and unorganized? Performing Arts Organizations often keep a variety of legacy materials, including business records, programs from performances, posters, props, and other artifacts. Using a series of case studies, this class will examine how to collect and organize both physical and digital arts-related materials so you can access these materials for future use. The class will give practical guidance that can be applied in any setting.

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Putting your Nonprofit on the Map: A Guide to Positioning Yourself As A Thought Leader to Grow Your Charity
12:00 PM12:00

Putting your Nonprofit on the Map: A Guide to Positioning Yourself As A Thought Leader to Grow Your Charity

According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS), there are over 1.5 million nonprofit organizations registered in the United States, and with so many nonprofits, it can be challenging to gain visibility, build your community and increase your donor base if your audience doesn't even know you exist. Using the nonprofit, All In Together as a case study, Annie Scranton, Pace PR Founder, will explain why every nonprofit should build a thought leadership program for their organization, how they can achieve it, and how this strategy put All In Together and it's founder on the map and lead to media placements.

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Inequitable Music Industry Contracts: Perils, Pitfalls, and a Call for Reform
8:00 PM20:00

Inequitable Music Industry Contracts: Perils, Pitfalls, and a Call for Reform

From the inception of the American recording industry, artists, and particularly African-American artists, have been disenfranchised from both compensation and control of their artistic creations. Copyright law allows the free transferability of creative works by transfer or assignment, but contract law does not regulate or limit the terms of such agreements. As a result, inequitable and overreaching contract provisions are a pervasive feature of the music industry.

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Crisis Communication and Reputation Management for Performing Arts Organizations
2:00 PM14:00

Crisis Communication and Reputation Management for Performing Arts Organizations

As professionals rise through the ranks, they will face issues that thrust them into the spotlight and threaten organizational reputation. A recent study found that 9 in 10 business leaders (94%) admit that the executives in their organizations need more training in core communication disciplines, such as reputation management and strategic communication. Are you prepared? This class reviews elements of strategic communication that are essential before, during and after crisis events. It examines how your organization can best prepare to respond to crisis and restore organizational reputation.

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Where Do I Go From Here? Engage Volunteers in New Ways
2:00 PM14:00

Where Do I Go From Here? Engage Volunteers in New Ways

How long do volunteers usually stay with your program? Do you struggle with keeping them interested, involved and engaged? This webinar will help you think about new strategies and help you evolve your program to include new roles and responsibilities for volunteers, pathways for more involvement and leadership positions in your program, how recognition plays a role in retention, and the importance of including continuing education and professional development to keep your volunteers engaged.

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Creative Solutions: Roundtable Discussions
10:00 AM10:00

Creative Solutions: Roundtable Discussions

Join Gregory Douglass for the next roundtable on Tuesday, March 2nd at 10am PT / 1pm ET (1 hour). This event is free and space will be limited, so please RSVP here on the earlier side. Join Gregory and other fellow problem-solvers who are hungry to create results, restore creative camaraderie and participate in an informal, virtual Zoom conversation. You will discuss exactly where you’re at – and problem-solve like the creative geniuses you already are...

To learn more go to:

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Vermont Council on World Affairs  Youth Ambassador and Cultural Performer positions available
4:30 PM16:30

Vermont Council on World Affairs Youth Ambassador and Cultural Performer positions available

The Youth Ambassador application deadline is February 26th!

In partnership with Global Ties U.S., the VCWA is seeking Youth Ambassadors (ages 18-29) and Cultural Performers to serve as guides and cultural ambassadors at the US Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai! Expo 2020 Dubai will take place between October 2021 and March 2022. The deadline to apply is February 26, 2021. Do you know someone who could be a potential Youth Ambassador or Cultural Performer candidate? Let us know by emailing

To Apply to either position go to:

To learn more about the programs go to:

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Millennium Music Conference
to Feb 27

Millennium Music Conference

The conference will feature 2 afternoons of virtual music industry trade show & mentoring lounge. Register & join us @ 10AM each day.

The conference will feature 2 afternoons of music business panels and workshops. The virtual trade show and mentoring lounge will have over 50 industry professionals providing information about their businesses and services.

For more information about the conference, go to to see the schedule and events.

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Nonprofit Finance 101
2:00 PM14:00

Nonprofit Finance 101

Lisa Gertsch will review everything small orgs need to keep on top of their financial situation and stay in compliance: accounting software; grant tracking;, employees versus contractors; state and federal filings; how to forecast your cash balance and much more.

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Vermont Leadership Community presents: Sustaining Motivation, Purpose, Focus & Cohesion Amongst Our Teams
10:00 PM22:00

Vermont Leadership Community presents: Sustaining Motivation, Purpose, Focus & Cohesion Amongst Our Teams

This workshop will feature these presenters and an open forum from 10:00 to 11:00, and optional breakout sessions from 11:00 to 11:30. As local leaders, committee chairs, and managers of staff, one of our core challenges is keeping our team motivated and moving forward in a common direction. The event will be led by Sarah Henshaw, of Leaves of Change, Representative Kitty Toll, and Joe Fusco, Vice President at Casella Waste Systems and the Chair of the Advisory Board for the Sustainable Innovation MBA at UVM's Grossman School of Business.

Click here to register:

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Risk Assessment Concerns for Nonprofit Boards and Staff during COVID
1:00 PM13:00

Risk Assessment Concerns for Nonprofit Boards and Staff during COVID

This workshop will introduce principles and concerns regarding risk assessment for nonprofit organizations. Understanding that nonprofit organizations are stewarded by both boards of directors and staff members, the target audience for this workshop is both board members themselves and the staff members (executive directors, artistic directors, operations managers, program managers, etc.) who work closely to and advise those boards.

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Vermont Historical Society Presents: Virtual Roundtable "Mechanics of an Effective Online Presence"
12:00 PM12:00

Vermont Historical Society Presents: Virtual Roundtable "Mechanics of an Effective Online Presence"

Join the Vermont Historical Society and our League of Local Historical Societies & Museums (LLHSM) for online lunchtime (12:00 pm) discussions this Winter. They will be exploring a variety of topics, with an emphasis on best practices and information to help address expected challenges and opportunities in 2021. Bring your questions, experience, and sandwich to the Zoom room. Free and open to everyone, pre-registration appreciated.

Register here:

Zoom link:

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Storytelling Q&A Session
3:00 PM15:00

Storytelling Q&A Session

Guide the conversation in this interactive Q&A session to learn how storytelling can be a driver of engagement toward your organization. Join Firespring’s director of strategic marketing, Alec McChesney, as he casts light on your story, shares how it can work for you, and answers questions about how to use storytelling in your marketing.

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Creators' Path to Marketing Music
8:00 PM20:00

Creators' Path to Marketing Music

A multi-creative panel on developing pathways for creators with an album/single, song catalog, or ready to go to merchandise products. Working off a template of tools, panelists will create a marketing and promotion plan, including current and future legal discussions and agreements necessary for deals to happen.

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