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Inequitable Music Industry Contracts: Perils, Pitfalls, and a Call for Reform


Date & Time: March 4, 2021 at 8:00pm ET
Price: $25

Description: From the inception of the American recording industry, artists, and particularly African-American artists, have been disenfranchised from both compensation and control of their artistic creations.

Copyright law allows the free transferability of creative works by transfer or assignment, but contract law does not regulate or limit the terms of such agreements. As a result, inequitable and overreaching contract provisions are a pervasive feature of the music industry.

This presentation, featuring Entertainment Law Professor Kevin J. Greene at Southwestern Law School and Music Law attorney Lisa Cervantes of IP Legal Studio, will explore the perils and pitfalls of inequitable music industry contracts past and present, and propose some solutions for reform.

Panelists: Kevin J. Greene, Lisa Cervantes

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