Smart Artist Launches New Performance Series for Vermont Artists


Smart Artist Vermont is excited to share the launch of a new weekly streaming series, Unfiltered Spirits. This is a live, online showcase series featuring visual and performing artists from all disciplines across Vermont. And all you have to do to participate is apply! This series will be made up of three thirty-minute episodes, each featuring three artists, and each episode will be broadcasted for FREE via Zoom and YouTube. They will be hosted by renowned DJ cRAIG mITCHELL, and each episode will feature a how-to for a Vermont signature cocktail. The episodes will take place at 7:30 pm on the days listed below, and you can stream them on the YouTube links attached, or click here to join the performance via Zoom and be a part of the pre-show cocktail and after-show hangout with the artists!

To apply to be featured on Unfiltered Spirits, simply fill out the online application form. Smart Artist will separate submissions into disciplines so as to represent as wide a range of artists as possible, and then they will select an artist from each discipline at random until all spots are full. A total of nine artists will be selected. Unfiltered Spirits is NOT a competition, it is simply an opportunity to share local creativity in what has been a transitional period of artists of all kinds. 

Artists of any discipline can apply to be featured on Unfiltered Spirits so long as they live in Vermont and submit their application by October 19 at midnight. The only other requirement for a feature is that artists are able to perform LIVE without uploading previously recorded content. This means artists can’t upload a track of a song, but they can showcase previously-constructed work so long as they present it in real-time. 

Each episode will begin with the host, cRAIG mITCHELL, showing the audience how to make a Vermont signature cocktail or mocktail to enjoy during the broadcast. Each artist will then begin their time with a brief introduction and conversation with the host, followed by their performance, demonstration, or tour of their art lasting no longer than ten minutes. 

DJ cRAIG mITCHELL has been doing what he does for over 30 years, and he has impressive experience with residencies at NYC’s legendary Tunnel and Limelight nightclub, Miami’s Twist, and Boston’s Rise. For now, he is settled down in Burlington and teaches at the Flynn Theater. He is also in a Prince tribute band called Purple. Come check out cRAIG on Unfiltered Spirits and you will immediately understand the hype!

Unfiltered Spirits is being presented by Smart Artist, a collective entity of theater, music, and dance community leaders from organizations Big Heavy World, TheaterEngine, the Vermont Dance Alliance, and Main Street Landing. This series is sponsored by the Vermont Arts Council, Vermont Creative Network Chittenden County, and the Radiator 105.9 FM.

For more information on Unfiltered Spirits, you can contact Dominic Spillane from TheaterEngine at

Text by Kaitlyn Paszkiewicz

Thumbnail image of cRAIG mITCHELL from Smart Artist Vermont

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