Lift Every Vote: Using Music to Inspire Voter Engagement

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Election Day is less than a month away. Is your community ready to vote? We here at Big Heavy World are very excited to share a new way you can use music to help our democracy. The Make Music Alliance has launched a new initiative called Lift Every Vote, which challenges performers to flood the nation with concerts from October 3 until election day. This thirty-day nationwide project is designed to promote voting within communities, share voting resources, and, of course, share local music. We invite all local musicians to take part in this challenge to inspire friends, neighbors, and family to go out and vote!

The challenge is simple:

  • PLAN a performance around sunset: Get your instrument, your band, your poem, your dance, and your creativity READY!

  • PICK your location: outdoors is best  – but remember, mask-up and social distance; choose anywhere you feel comfortable.

  • PERFORM: Play as if our lives depend on it! 

  • MOBILIZE: Encourage your audience to plan their vote.

  • NOMINATE: Share your performance using #lifteveryvote. Tag your peers, friends, and noise makers to do the same - and keep the challenge moving!

Similar to Make Music Day, this concept urges local artists to do what they do best: perform. The Lift Every Vote challenge goes far beyond local artists, because when your audiences are drawn out of the house and into the streets - while practicing social distancing procedures, of course - they are being encouraged by YOU to be an active citizen and vote. Your performance can change the path of the 2020 Presidential election - help give the power to the people!

For more information, visit the Lift Every Vote Website, and click HERE if you have not registered to vote in the 2020 Presidential Election. 

Instagram and Facebook: @LiftEveryVote2020 

Twitter: @LiftEveryVote20 

Text By Izzy Mousseau

Big Heavy World