Lounge Act Plays Doolittle By The Pixies, Cave Bees, Parmaga, And Black Rabbit At Nectar’s June 15, 2013

Words by Tim Lewis.

Last night was a great night for music. I caught a ride downtown and made it to Nectar’s as the Cave Bees were sound checking. When ready, they played a blistering set, mostly from their CD. There were a couple of new ones, to keep things mixed up, but it was mostly classic Bees. It’s so great to have them back and playing.

Parmaga is two guys playing drums or bass and guitar or keys. Their sound ranged from dancy EDM to majestic rock, with every stop in between that they could imagine. Much of their music was tricky to follow along with, but that made it fun. Whatever song they played second blew me away.

LOUNGE ACT is James Bellizia (guitar), Jason Cooley (vocals), Bobby Hackney Jr. (drums), Caroline O’Connorr (bass), and Eric Olsen (guitar). I did not know the Pixies album Doolittle at all, and had fun learning it from this killer band. Everyone was right on, and each song had a thousand or two changes. The whole show was truly magnificent and Nectar’s was packed. After the album was finished they tossed in a sweet version of Where is My Mind? and called it a night.

Black Rabbit set up quickly, and kept half of the audience. They were just as fun as always. Neutrino and Tubar Tubar sounded great. I love Black Cat, and last night’s version was spot on. The trio play loud fast punk, and I’ve loved them every time I’ve seen them. They wrapped the set with Teenagers from Mars, by the misfits, but the audience asked for another. They came back with a Ramones song and let Chinese Rock end the night. I was very tired at this point, but stopped into Radio Bean and caught a couple of songs by the Shandies. They ripped it up, playing fast and loud. They had more songs, but it was pretty late. I’ll have to catch them again sometime.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog, https://timstriangletribune.wordpress.com.