Radio Show 7 Thursday April 11, 2013 9-10pm Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from my local Internet Radio show on WBKM.ORG. I had to work today, and saw music last night, so was tired and the show was unplanned. I picked out the first four on the walk downtown and tweaked the show as I went along.


From our small city to the great big world, these are the sounds of Burlington.

1.) Make Me See Stars – The Lonestar Chain

2.) Middlesex – Swale

3.) High Tension Wire – Jenny Montana

4.) Once Upon – Vedora

Talked about seeing a series of shows featuring many of the women of Burlington called Women Exposed in Folk, Fashion, and Rock and Roll. I think that was the first time I heard Caroline O’Connor play Once upon. Talked about Jenny playing some of those shows and enjoying her music. Talked about seeing Swale live so many times, I learned the words and phrasing to Middlesex just from seeing them live so many times. Talked about how Gabrielle Douglas helped organize those shows and mentioned her husband doing his own side project. Mentioned how the rest of the Lonestar Chain play in a ton of different bands. Talked about Gabby doing her own solo album and band, and how much I love this song.

5.) Blue Light Shining – The Dwellers

6.) Could You be the one? – Phil Yates and the Affiliates

7.) Wake Up – Torpedo Rodeo

Talked about the upcoming show Saturday at the Monkey House with Torpedo Rodeo, Black Rabbit, and When Particles Collide. Woo hoo! Talked about going out to see the Affiliates, how their music was complex and interesting. Talked about stopping in to see Joe Adler at Red Square and being the only one, other than band and staff. Talked about how important it is to go out and see live music. Mentioned how much I love Blue Light Shining. Talked about how many musicians play in a lot of bands and the next one got a song named after him.

8.) Ornan’s Song – The Dirty Blondes

9.) Betty Rage – Doll Fight!

10.) The Loops (We’re Those Kids) – The Mockingbirds

11.) Decide – The D. David L. Jarvis band

Talked about how Dave asked me to plug his Reverbnation page (

and said it was nice to live in 2013 when most bands have a Reverbnation or Bandcamp page where you can go listen to the music, and buy it if you like it. Supporting musicians is important. Talked about going out to see a band once, then never seeing them again, but I get a craving now and then for their music, and pull out the cd and played it. Lots of joy for years, just for taking a chance, finding something I like and buying the cd. Talked about loving Doll Fight! and hoping they get a new drummer soon. Talked a bit more about Ornan McLean Talked about another friend of Burlington currently out on the road. Talked about how this song makes me think of driving.

12.) I-78 – Slingshot Dakota

13.) Chester Allen – The World Famous Hanglows

14.) Dragged Around the Universe – Queen Tangerine

Talked briefly about the three bands and mentioned Chester was my first repeat in 7 shows, but it was a song so nice I had to play it twice.

I think there was a lot of good in the show, but I stumbled over most of my lines. Note to self, when you have no idea where you are going, stop picking short songs. Really? That was 14 songs? Towards the end, when I tossed in Chester, at almost 6 minutes, the longest song of the show, I finally had some breathing space. Dragged just sounded like it would fit.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,