State Gives Grant to Improve BHW Office/Radiator Studio

statehouseceremonyblog The State of Vermont's Department of Buildings and General Services awarded Big Heavy World a Human Services and Educational Facilities Program grant this morning at a statehouse ceremony. We'll be improving the electricity in our office, installing lighting that was donated by Hot Topic, and picking up air conditioners to cool the radio station studio and web server room which are deadly hot in the summer. Thank you, BGS!

Radiator DJs Harry Conn and Jack Reeves received the check from Governor Jim Douglas. Also with them in the photo above are Gerry Myers, Commissioner, Buildings and General Services and Senator Phil Scott. Harry and Jack are on the radio 3:30-4:00pm every Tuesday. Hear them on 105.9FM 'The Radiator' in the Burlington area, stream them at, or listen with the Radiator's iPhone app.

Patti Casey and Tom MacKenzie began the ceremony with an original song played live on the House Chamber floor!

