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How to respond to harassment for people experiencing anti-Asian/American harassment training


When: Aug 26, 2020 04:00 PM EST

Where: Online event, register here

After attending Hollaback’s bystander intervention trainings, many Asian/Americans want to know -- how do I take care of myself when I experience harassment? If that's a question you're asking -- this training is for you.

During this one-hour, highly interactive training you'll learn Hollaback!'s methodology for responding to harassment: 1) Trust your Instincts, 2) Reclaim Your Space, and 3) Practice Resilience. You'll learn how your identities can shape your experience of harassment and the impact that harassment has on you and your community as a whole. We'll talk about what to look for when assessing your safety, and how to determine if responding in the moment is the right action or not. We'll also take a deep dive into how to build your resilience on an individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and societal front. You'll leave with new tools on how to respond to harassment, whether your response is in the moment while that harassment is happening or long-term.