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Online Sip and Chat With Arts Administrators


All of a sudden, life demands even more from us. Along with the rest of the world, we are scrambling to adjust to a global pandemic with devastating effects upon health and economies. Our creativity and compassion have never been more in demand. Uncertainty became a buzz word. Art administrators are experiencing a major shift in how we work and how we engage with our audience. We must adapt communication policies, update language, and implement new systems that some might never have conceived or implemented. The choices are slim, particularly with budget constraints. We can choose to try the best we can to excel, or we can choose to collapse.

Join us for this informational chat with colleagues and let's hear about their initiatives and how are they responding to this unprecedented crisis. Let's reflect together and maybe find out ways that we can help each other.

Let's Sip & Chat with:

Nick Adams, Executive Director, Cantata Singers

Madeleine Stekzinsky, Co-founder/Executive Director, ZUMIX

Jim Wooster, Executive Director, Passim Boston

When: Tue, June 9, 2020 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT

Where: Online forum via Zoom, register here!

Cost: Free

Photo by Lorri Lang from Pixabay