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Streaming Explained: How Digital Licensing Works - CMU Lockdown Webinar


The streaming business is complex in terms of how services are licensed, and how artists and songwriters get paid. Get to grips with it all via our concise user-friendly guide to digital licensing and streaming royalties – explained in full in just ten steps.

Learn about…
• Why copyright rules and industry conventions complicate streaming.
• How the record industry licenses through direct deals.
• How the publishing sector licenses through direct and collecting society deals.
• How streaming royalties are calculated each month.
• How and why money flows down an assortment of royalty chains.

This webinar is presented by CMU’s Chris Cooke, who has trained thousands of artists, songwriters and music industry professionals all over the world. It is perfect for anyone working in or with the music industry who wants a solid understanding of the business of music, and where the industry is heading next.

When: Wed, June 3, 2020 at 9.30am EDT | 2.30pm UK TIME | 3.30pm CET

Where: Online webinar, specific information shared upon registration. Click here to register.

Cost: £20

Click here for more information, or to register.

Recommended by Wide Days in Scotland.