James Cross' Monthly Music Industry Meet-up

Once a month, members of the Vermont music industry meet at Big Heavy World’s 4 Howard Street studio to discuss, network, and share stories about life and music in Vermont. James Cross, owner of Pinnacle Pro Sound, organized and hosted the first event in October. The second meet-up will take place on November 12, from 6-8 PM, at Big Heavy World.

Talk is loose, and any and all artists, curators, business owners, and anyone who considers music an element of their profession. “Of course, anyone who wants to take music seriously is invited as well, even if they aren't making money yet,” says James Cross. “We all got our start somewhere and if we can help newcomers to the business learn from our mistakes to give them a jumpstart, that would be great.”

Artists from Montreal, local record dealers, and Burlington studios have attended, all with the goal of strengthening Vermont’s musical network. New connections will hopefully facilitate new projects, like albums, concerts, events, partnerships, and more.

According to James Cross, things will hopefully grow: “So far, we have studio owners, band members, videographers, and more and that will only keep getting bigger as the word spreads…I envision that we will have guest speakers, panels, and workshops so we can all learn together and help build up Vermont's music industry.”

The next meet-up will be on Tuesday, November 12, at Big Heavy World at 4 Howard Street. Snacks will be provided, and any additional edible offerings are appreciated. 

Text by Luke Vidic.

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