DJ Profiles: David Schein

David Schein, known at Big Heavy World as “The Shine,” is a freelance teacher, theatre performer, poet, songwriter, scriptwriter, and all around writing enthusiast. He promotes what could be best described as “fluidity through literature’s forms:” everything from songwriting, poetry, fiction and storytelling; and just because one may be proficient in one form doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try others. “I want people to approach [literature] from different places, so they’re not confined. ’Oh I’m only a musician so I can’t write,’ you know, that kind of stuff. I don’t like that, and I think it keeps people from exploring the edges of what they’re doing.” It is this desire to build bridges between writing’s many forms that defines “The Shine” and his show.

With the exception of helping found a low power FM show titled “Radio For the Arts,” in New York, Big Heavy World is David’s first dive into the world of radio and DJ-ing. The purpose of his endeavor is to shine a spotlight on Burlington’s writers, something he believes happens far too little. In his own words: “There was an offer to do a radio program, and I don’t think the writers of Burlington get enough attention in media here. So I thought I’d give it a whirl, I know a lot of writers here, it’d be fun to get them out into the public.”

In addition to his numerous writing credits, David has also served as a national judge for the Youth Slams in Chicago, helped found the Iowa Theatre Lab, toured alongside Whoopie Goldberg, and has published two books, titled “My Murder and Other Local News” and “The Adoption.” He continues to write and teach wherever need be, and can be found at Big Heavy World from five to six pm on Fridays for his show: “Language is Music.”

Text by Thomas Himmield.

Photo by James Lockridge.

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