Statewide Music Industry Survey Underway


Calling all musicians, concert venue owners, and businesses that support music in Vermont! Big Heavy World is gathering data about Vermont’s music sector with a survey based on the Austin Music Census and with the guidance of a world class consultancy.

Our mentor is Sound Diplomacy, an internationally recognized firm that facilitates regional efforts to build community and economic development systems serving music throughout the world. Their clients include the United Nations, Mayor of London, Great New Orleans Inc., City of San Francisco, Fulton Co. Commission Atlanta, Branson Chamber and Indy Chamber, and many others. Vermont is fortunate to have Sound Diplomacy as an ally in this work.

Sound Diplomacy founder and CEO Shain Shapiro says, "We're thrilled to support this terrific initiative by Big Heavy World to dig deep into Vermont's music sector to better understand its strengths, challenges, weaknesses and economic value. This is the first step to demonstrating what we already know — music is of huge importance to Vermont's economy, as it is everywhere, and policies should reflect that in the statehouse and local municipalities. We hope the findings move that needle forward, for the betterment of Vermont's artists, venues and music consumers."

The Vermont survey is made possible with support from a Rural Business Development Grant from USDA Rural Development, which assists the startup, expansion and continuation of small and emerging businesses and non-profits in rural communities. Big Heavy World is also supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit Big Heavy World’s volunteer crew is helping spread the word, and the data that’s collected will supplement the statewide creative economy survey hosted by the Vermont Creative Network.

The data gathered will help Big Heavy World, the Vermont Creative Network — and ultimately the legislature and other stakeholders — learn and act on the community and economic development priorities that will strengthen music industries in Vermont.

With input from individuals all over Vermont, this project will bring a better understanding to the work of improving our music economy. It's also a demonstration of the power of our music community when it works together to face challenges and discover opportunities.

Take the survey to help Big Heavy World, the Vermont Creative Network — and ultimately the legislature and other stakeholders — learn the priorities that will strengthen music industries in Vermont!

Big Heavy World is a volunteer-run, grass roots organization and could really use your help spreading word of the survey. PLEASE SHARE the survey link in your own newsletters and social media!

About Big Heavy World: Big Heavy World is an independent nonprofit music development office working to archive and promote the original music of Vermont. With a crew of volunteers it publishes information about Vermont’s music industry, archives thousands of Vermont-made recordings and photographs, and operates 105.9FM, a radio station highlighting the region’s creative community.