Being There: Big Heavy World At The Vermont State House

Words by Eva Weber.

On Wednesday morning, the Big Heavy World crew traveled with supervisor Morgan Day to the Vermont State House in Montpelier to talk about Big Heavy World. We set up a tie-dye covered table in the card room with pictures, posters, stickers, and a vibrant slide show of photos and videos from past music events. As the first legislative session of 2015 began, the bright snow-lit room bustled excitedly with Vermont's state senators and representatives, school groups, and other visitors and spectators grabbing breakfast, wishing each other a Happy New Year, and moving into the session hall. Conversing with the array of people who approached us, from other patrons of the arts like local photographers to interested government workers, was an easy and enjoyable task given the amount of curiosity presented by the passersby; many stuck around to talk about the aims of Big Heavy World, the way technology affects music and art, and how music has changed in Vermont over the last twenty years. Chittenden County state senator David Zuckerman stated that he loves that we are "keeping young people doing the fun music thing," and we agree. It was a pleasure to provide insight about our hub of Vermont music to those who are less knowledgeable, and a pleasure to talk to those who have worked with us before. Thank you to the staff of the Sergeant-At-Arms office and everyone who welcomed us!