Radio Show 93 Thursday January 8, 2015 9-11PM Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from tonight’s local music radio show on internet only Wbkm Dot Org. I pulled our a few gems from the past and played a couple of songs that are barely a week old.

Songs before:Hopin’ That I’m Wrong – Will Let Us Go – The Church Band



From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds Of Burlington. It’s a cold night in Burlington but a few intrepid souls are out and about and not letting it get them down. Here is a song I got a couple of days ago, but have been enjoying live for a few months now. This is Burn It Down Bernadette by Phil Yates & The Affiliates on WBKM and this is Burlington’s Kind Of Music.

1.) Burn It Down Bernadette – Phil Yates & The Affiliates 2.) Blue Light Blue – Heavy Plains 3.) Blue Light Shines – Gabrielle Douglas and the Dwellers

I love that song and had to play it out of the Plains song. That’s another new song from Luke Awtry‘s new band. Great song by Phil Yates. I’m so happy to have new songs of theirs. Let’s play the next song on Many Things & Many Scenes. This is one of my favorites.

4.) A Quiet Pun – Joe Adler 5.) Think I’ll Stay – Great Western 6.) This Land Is Your Land – Bernie Sanders and 30 Vermont musicians

Nice reggae feel to the Woody Guthrie classic. I think about the idea of pluralism we strive for in the United States and many other countries. It’s terrible when someone uses violence to try and silence an artistic voice. The response to the killings in Paris have been some incredible works of art that will touch millions of souls. The picture of the pencil with the words “This Machine Kills Fascists”, which is what Woody had written on his guitar, really hit me. The great part about art is it does not kill people, just bad ideas. Senator Sanders wages peace, so that is why I played that song. I love that song from Western!!! Last Saturday I made it out to The Monkey House and saw great sets from Black Rabbit and Dino Bravo VTThe Mountain Says No did a stunning job opening the show, but they don’t have anything recorded yet so I can’t play any of their songs. Instead, I’ll play a song from the soundtrack of Ben Maddoxs underwater adventures.

7.) Straight Outta Kill Kare – I See Fish People 8.) Always Monica/Down At The Duck (live) – Chin Ho! 9.) No Way – Phantom Suns

I’ve really got to get to know Suns better. Great song. Classic couple of songs from the mighty Chin Ho! This next song has been running through my head a lot, so I’ll play it again.

10.) Killing Ghosts – Better Things 11.) I-90 East – ROUGH FRANCIS 12.) Freakin Out – Death World Wide

I’m so psyched about the show at the Flynn with Death, Francis and others. It’s going to rock! Sometimes the news gets too heavy. I mean you need to stay informed, but after a certain amount of understanding the world, sometimes you need a distraction.

13.) Distraction – When Particles Collide 14.) Cats Were Born – And The Kids 15.) Dragged Around The Universe – Queen Tangerine 16.) Bionic – The Red Telephone

Love the lyric in the RT song. I was feeling fired up the other day and had it running through my head. They used to rock Burlington with that one. Great song from Julia Austin and Alice Austin from the days after Zola Turn. Can’t waif for the new Kids album. Great song from Particles. This band seem to play for a while, go quiet for a while then play again. They’re around and this is a cool song.

17.) Parking Lot – Villanelles 18.) All Around – Hover 19.) Let The World Turn – Death.

I hope they play that one when they play the Flynn! Great song from Brad Searles old band. I love this next song, and love the live version just a little bit more.

20.) TFAY (live) – Elephants of Scotland 21.) Ornan’s Song – The Dirty Blondes 22.) 1.21 Jigawats – Wave of the Future

Love that song. Their guitar player plays drums for Mountain Says No and it was cool that most of Wave came to the show to support him. Ornan McLean plays drums for the Blondes and Elephants. OS was dedicated to my brother Ken who loves that song. Earlier today I asked for requests and got four. I’ll have to hold the Red Admiral until I’ve listened more but these next three are dedicated to Marc ScaranoDavid Jarvis Mark Crowther, and Kitty Kindbud.

23.) Flight Of The Alligator – Cave Bees 24.) Paper Train – Dave Jarvis 25.) You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Bud & Budd ~ The Kind Buds

I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Song after: Big Wedge (live) – Fish

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,