Swale In A Parking Lot 180 Flynn Ave, And Gordon Stone Band At Halverson’s June 1, 2013

Words by Tim Lewis.

I worked until 5:30 yesterday and caught a ride home. Christopher Larrow said he was coming into town, so we were going to go catch some jazz. I checked in with FB and noticed that the Pop Up party had moved from Essex to Flynn Ave, in Burlington. Swale were set to go on at 7. Chris was up for it and I called Nathan Curtis. He was up for it too, so off we went. We got there just after 7. They were set up in the far corner of a parking lot, by the tracks, and were just about to start, when we walked up. They played a nice mix of songs including a Pavement cover and nice readings of Soul Piggy Bank and Middlesex.

When they finished, off we went. Nate had other plans, but he dropped Chris and I downtown. We went over to Halverson’s and met up with Rich Haskell and friends. We watched the Gordon Stone band for a set and a half. It has been ages since I’ve seen them play, and they are as rock solid as ever. The music was more jazzy than Swale, but kind of ordered, free-form blues, or something.

The walk home was a bit damp, but not too bad. All in all, it was a pretty nice night, though not as jazzy as I expected. Oh well, there’s still another week for jazz. Hmmm, are Blue Button playing Wednesday night?

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog, https://timstriangletribune.wordpress.com.