Radio Show 8 Thursday April 18, 2013 9-10pm Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got home from local music Internet Radio show number 8 on WBKM.ORG. It was a lovely walk down and the wind was blowing warm air on my face. I set a song in the queue to get set, then started.

Song before: More than This – Roxy Music


From our small city to the great big world, these are the sounds of Burlington. Here is the last band I saw Live. This is Torpedo Rodeo on WBKM, Burlington’s Kind of Music

1.) The Mole – Torpedo Rodeo

2.) Neutrino – Black Rabbit

3.) Moles – When Particles Collide

Talked about seeing all three play a high energy show at the Monkey House last Saturday. Talked about Particles being from Maine and being on tour and stopping by and playing a great show. Said there might be a quiz on the lyrics, but did not follow through. Talked about seeing Black Rabbit a few times and enjoying them and being happy to have a CD. Talked about Max Krauss giving me a CD so I listened and played a song I liked. Talked about receiving the MusicSpeak CD and listening to it and finding a song I liked.

4.) A Hundred Thousand Million Steps (Without You) – MusicSpeak

5.) Jump Back = Vedora

6.) Bloodboy – Barbacoa

7.) Hotel Manners – Farm

Talked about how the Farm song speaks to the eclectic weather in Vermont. Talked about how great Envy were and how a new version of Barbacoa is still going strong, and promised to play more of the Burlington does Burlington CD in the future. Talked about the strong Matthew Hastings vocal on Jump Back, and a bit about Vedora being part of the upcoming Waking Windows event in Winooski. Mentioned MusicSpeak Again. Said I wanted to keep the show about music, but after the bombings at the Boston Marathon, the next day Sarah Emily Blacker went in to do music therapy, and how much I admired her for that.

8.) Knocked the Winds – Sarah Blacker

9.) Spirit Won’t Fall Down – Rachel Brown

10.) Small Town Movie – The Cush

Talked about loving the song and the Cush. Wished them well in Texas and hope they will be back. Wished the people of West, Texas well too. Talked abut finding the Rachel Brown disc and remembering how much I loved her voice. Was happy to play this song, and thanked Sarah again. I said the next set was for people who have been in Burlington for a long time

11.) October Days Club – The Cancer Conspiracy

12.) Christmas in Afghanistan – The Wards

13.) That’s When I reach For My Revolver – Ninja Custodian

14.) 2 Sleepy Arms – Lendway

Said I don’t know what the Lendway song is about, but always love hearing it. They are playing Sunday at the Monkey House. Talked about loving Ninja, and if you thought the drumming was intense, remember, the guy is singing too. Talked about the Wards being the first Burlington punk band, and how they are still kicking. Asked, if we got Osama, why are we still in Afghanistan. Mentioned how good CC were and said goodnight.



I popped back on the mic and expressed my great pleasure that the fans just got a vote for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees and this year Rush was chosen. I queued up the following as I walked out the door

Closer to the Heart – Rush

Cygnus X-1 – Rush

Xanadu – Rush

Then the station went into the next regularly scheduled Jethro Tull song

The walk home had the wind at my back. It was so furious, I felt like a reverse comet.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,