Unrestrained Plays Last Show in Bristol, VT


Words by Sarah Frazier.

November 5th at the Bristol Hub in Bristol, VT, is UNRESTRAINED’S last show! Join us at 7pm, for a high power, high energy show. Entry is $10-15 at the door, but if that seems too steep, the event page on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=225079434211723) urges you to contact Ryan to work something out. Come see Unrestrained along with other great bands for a hardcore experience that should leave you sweating and panting for more. I got the opportunity to talk to Ryan Krushenick of Unrestrained, and get fans pumped for the event.

Getting in contact Ryan at first wasn’t an easy task. The problem wasn’t Ryan himself of course, who was more than generous in his answers, the problem came when I found out Ryan had just boarded a plane to South/Central America. Woops! After a few weeks of back and forth, this and that, I was finally able to get in contact with Ryan.  As Ryan tells me, the show was initiated as the final goodbye the band wanted to give their friends and fans. It was a mutual understanding between the members that, ultimately, the time had come. In Ryan’s words, “Unrestrained realized about 8 months ago that our time as a band had come, and we really needed to wrap everything up. We set up some minor goals before we did, like tour Europe to say goodbye to our friends, which led to Central America next. We wanted the show to be in October initially because Vermont is so beautiful than but we didn’t have enough time. We agreed on a date and a place and decided to stick with that.” Busy guys living busy lives. You have to show respect to a band that had enough respect for each other and fans to make this last show a tribute to what music is all about: universality.

Through the hurried rush to get the event jumpstarted, Unrestrained didn’t want to hog the stage for themselves, because this was really a farewell party for the band. With that in mind, Unrestrained called on other bands to take part in the finale. As Ryan tells me, “The bands we chose to play are all bands we like and respect, with people that either used to be in Unrestrained, or have been friends along the way. It was sort of hard, a lot of bands we grew close to don’t exist anymore, and there are a million more that we wish could play, in the end we got a solid five.”

With friends all over the world to see the show along with other fans, a huge chapter of Ryan’s as well as the other members of the band’s lives are coming to a close. “It will be a parting of ways between five individuals,” Ryan says, “that created something that took them around the world, right up until the end.” Writing to me from a hostel in Guatemala, Ryan reminisces about how close he and the band has become over time, while looking forward to the times of his life ahead. Listening to Ryan’s comments, I can see the love he had for the band, but the excitement in what is coming to happen. The band, along with Ryan have had a plethora of influences shape them not only in their own music but in their lives as well. In the end as Ryan describes, the band is ultimately a punk band at heart. The band found influences in Trial to Kid Dynamite, to 7 Seconds. It is the forming together with the musical and personal influences that collective the band found its heart.

So, what can fans and friends expect for this finale, last show? If what Ryan tell me is true: a hell of a good time.“I expect a healthy amount of adrenaline, anger, smiles and tears,” Ryan tells me, “When a train finally leaves the rails it never does it quietly.” With that punk rock sentiment, the show this November 5th at the Bristol Hub, will be a jam-packed burst of energy not to be missed. As for the band members’ futures, Ryan tells me there is a lot to look forward to. As it goes, “We all have other bands and big dreams, I guess it never matters where you see yourself, but where you go. Five years ago I didn’t see myself here, but I did it, rather, we did it. The future is unwritten, and for me more uncertain than ever, so I better get writing.” With that in mind, Unrestrained’s last show is to be a final hardcore punk show to send off the band to what lies ahead. With so much to look forward to, especially with such talent, who knows what will happen? Come join Unrestrained for their last show, this November 5th on Saturday at the Bristol Hub in Bristol, VT, and be part of the send-off.