Whistlin' Wind
Photo: The future archival room can whistle a tune or two, but will need to be restored in order to house Vermont’s music from the 1950s to today. Efforts are underway to properly restore the entire building, but also create a special archival, climate controlled space.
Spring is right on track – maple sap is boiling and the silhouettes of geese can be seen flying over the open waters of our lakes. Cardinals are dotting the trees like sumac blooms and the melting ice and snow has made things accessible again. It’s time for us to get to projects we haven’t been able to get to in awhile. For us here at VMLS, it means rolling up our sleeves and taking a closer look at what the L.S. Gordon Store needs.
Repairs to the foundation and exterior of the building are first and foremost. We are keeping two things in mind as we move forward: immediate needs and long-term solutions. We want to avoid further exterior damage while also planning smartly for the future of the interior. It will be important to gather information and determine what impact our choices will have on what will become a special archival, climate controlled space.
Planned Spring projects are:
• Shore up the foundation
• Fix the floors and roof
• Reframe the windows and insert new glass
• Begin work on the siding in preparation for fresh paint