Cameron Clark — 7 April 2021 on Rocket Shop Radio Hour


Cameron Clark joined host Tom Proctor on ‘Rocket Shop,’ Big Heavy World’s weekly local Vermont music radio hour on 105.9 FM The Radiator. Catch up with him at

Cameron Clark began the show with his newest song “Orion Star.”

He has played the guitar from a young age until now, but with all the free time because of the pandemic, he’s been experimenting with recording from his home. He’s released three singles so far and he plans to begin work on recording and planning an EP.  “Definitely some more to come, working on an ep at the moment. They all started in my bedroom, and then I decided to record. This is my favorite song I’ve recorded so far.”

“This song is about being lost and up in the stars. During quarantine and feeling isolated I felt lost up in space. It’s a confession about how it’s okay to be lonely at this time.”

This was a pandemic project. He didn’t think he would make the leap to recording and production if he didn’t have the time during Covid. “I love the process of writing a song, and doing it in my bedroom, I can take my time and kind of figure out things.” During quarantine, he just became fascinated with the process of producing, and he’s really enjoyed what he’s been doing since Covid started.

“The song that has the most production is the song, Martha and the Tin Soldier. At the time I was listening to a lot of David Bowie, Green Day, and another artist named Oliver Tree. I wanted to do something like the Green Day song: Jesus of Suburbia. The song has a bunch of weirder sounds.”

Before Quarantine, he was only playing a small venue in Burke called Orange Rind. He would play guitar with looper pedal, like Ed Sheeran. “It would be difficult to get back into live shows though, since the songs are much more complicated. Much harder to play with just a looper. I’m trying to get a band together for live music though.”

The next song he played was “Valentine.” Because of the name he explained that, “It’s sort of a love song, but at the same time, not really.”

He described himself as a perfectionist. He only wants to put the best of his songs on the new EP, Jet Black. “It’s going to be about how destructive human beings are. The songs will be more about the state of the world. The sound is going to be raw, and I want the songs to leave an impact on listeners.” 

When he started practicing with the group, it was hard for him to let his band mates put their own spin on the music, but over time he realized there wouldn’t be a point to having other players if all the material was still his work. At this point, he’s still trying to figure out his sound, so rather than working with a producer, he wants to produce the EP again from his home.

He closed the show with the song “Martha and The Tin Soldier.”
Cameron can be found Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Spotify

Text by Phil Franklin - Photo by James Lockridge