Batter — 13 February 2019 on Rocket Shop Radio Hour
Batter — Cole, Tyler, Will, Brendan, Jack
Batter joined host Tom Proctor on ‘Rocket Shop‘, Big Heavy World’s weekly local Vermont music radio hour on 105.9FM The Radiator. Catch up with them at
The band consists of Tyler (guitar, vocals), Cole (vocals, keyboard), Brendan (bass), Jack (drums), and Will (guitar). Batter is comprised of sophomores and first years and has only been together officially for three months, but they have shared various dorms and classes together since the start of college. The members of Batter essentially found each other by peeping in each other’s dorms as freshmen, when they heard music coming from down the halls (with Brendan being an exception…they found him on the street selling his bass).
The band carries an analog, stripped-down aesthetic. Cole uses an old school Fender Rhodes from Craigslist as a keyboard, that functions off a system of “little hammers” rather than being electronic. Additionally, the band garnishes their band camp page with a simplistic approach, having their cover photo as the word “Batter” written on a white napkin, and the photo for their track “Gold Standard Living” as a meme-style cat. They maintain their “weird attributes” with the help of their art director, A.K.A “the ghost of Andy Warhol.”
When asked to describe their music style, the band members responded by saying that if the movie Godzilla were a music genre, that would be their music style. In other words, it’s mainly a mixture of punk/blues…obviously. Will’s background in jazz guitar and Tyler’s “love” and “taste” for blues has greatly influenced Batter’s sound. The band has also incorporated the classic bluesy rasp throughout their vocals.
Although Batter is a fairly new group, they have already played some cool shows locally, gotten a single recorded, and they have shows coming up . They will be playing BadArt Trap Door on March 2nd and Monkey House on March 15th.
Text by Marisa Iannitto
Listen to some of their music on Bandcamp.
Photo by James Lockridge.