DJ Spotlight: DJ Flame

Pictured: Another day in paradise with DJ Flame

Pictured: Another day in paradise with DJ Flame

There’s a great many ways for a DJ to distinguish themselves from the crowd. Mostly it comes down to what music is played and/or what personal approach they take. I wanted to open this up on that note specifically because of the personal approach taken by The Radiator’s own Anthony Glosson, better known to some as DJ Flame. He’s a man of art, first and foremost, with music merely being one of the keys on his chain, and the approach he takes to his show serves as evidence to the fact.

The online description of his Friday show “Heavy Hitta’s” boasts a lineup of hip hop, R&B, reggae and dancehall music; however that’s only half of the deal. In addition to music, Anthony hosts live artist interviews on air for the sake of listening pleasure and promotion. But when I say “artist,” I don’t use the term in a musically-exclusive sense. Anthony proudly brings on artists of all mediums and genres for these interviews, giving a wide range of material and topics to cover. As he puts it: “I tell everybody, I don’t only do it for people in the music business. If you write books and you want to be heard, I’ll do an interview with you. If you do poetry, comedy, anything. My thing is, I got into this to play music, but it’s also an open platform. I’m diverse, I love music, I love books, poetry, and if you wanna be exposed and heard they can contact me.”

Aside from the interviews and the air time, Anthony (as he said) got into this to play music. He says that he was: “always into music, ever since I was a kid.” He credits music as being another form of art to him, and how he respects the power art has to be inspirational even to someone in the worst of spots. Art (and music, specifically) have the incredible ability to bring qualities and emotions out of people that they may not otherwise have. Art can give someone something that they’d lack, and it’s that transformative power that keeps art going. For Anthony, music gives him passion. And as our interview went on, that passion continued to rear its head. He went on to say: “I’m still trying to build as far as my studio, that way I can help other artists as well, upcoming artists. Because I write music as well. It gives me passion when I’m listening to it, when I'm not listening to it, if I’m in a depressed state or whatever, I’ll always be led back to music or art or something like that. I love it all.”


But of course, a DJ is nothing without their show. And when it comes to DJ Flame, regarding any featured artists or interviewees, there are three simple rules: “Respect. Respect. Respect.” Anthony said that, “as far as personality and vibes, all I ask for is when people come on there’s respect. Obey the rules as far as the radio station goes, other than that, I’m happy. I’m a happy person, and the people who come around give off good vibes. If you’re about negativity, I can’t deal with you. Everything here is positivity and good vibes.”

If you’re an aspiring artist in Vermont and looking to get your name and art out there, a great place to begin is on the air with DJ Flame. Few places, and people, have the same dedication, love and respect for the arts as is had here. Songwriters, authors, poets, painters, and everyone in between: Anthony’s doors are open for you to come and spread your art as far as the radio-signal and stream goes. You can check out his interviews, songs and vibes on his show from 10pm to 1am this Friday and every Friday, or email him for a chance at getting your art featured at

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