Big Heavy World to Host Panel on Streaming

On Wednesday, June 10, 6:30pm, Big Heavy World will host a panel of local musicians discussing their streaming experience. This will be a public Zoom with each panelist speaking about their own experience before engaging in a moderated Q&A with any musicians in attendance.

The panelists will be musicians Sarah King, Rik Palieri, Craig Mitchell, and Kane Sweeney.

Join the Zoom here on Wednesday at 6:30pm.

Sarah King. Photo by James Lockridge.

Sarah King. Photo by James Lockridge.

Sarah King is a singer/songwriter from Ripton. Lately, she has utilized Instagram and Facebook to live-stream her performances, using local studios as streaming venues.

DJ Craig Mitchell. Photo by Bob Colquhoun.

DJ Craig Mitchell. Photo by Bob Colquhoun.

Craig Mitchell is a DJ from Winooski who has been active during the Covid-related social shutdown. He’s streamed both his late-night Queerantine hour and the #VTstrong prom out of Big Heavy World’s studio, among other performances.

Rik Palieri. Photo by James Lockridge.

Rik Palieri. Photo by James Lockridge.

Rik Palieri is a folk singer/songwriter from Hinesburg. Having played alongside Pete Seeger, and grown up listening to Woody Guthrie, Palieri has indulged in folk for decades. He has recently participated in online shows, open mics, interviews, and Folk Talks at, including a special episode honoring the Black Lives Matter movement.

Kane Sweeney. Photo by Trinity Welkar.

Kane Sweeney. Photo by Trinity Welkar.

Kane Sweeney, known onstage as Bishop LaVey, is a singer/songwriter from Waterbury. Sweeney has broadcasted multiple “Isolation Sessions” from Woodsman Music Studio on 105.9 FM The Radiator and on Facebook.

Join the meeting at 6:30pm on June 10 here:

Text by Luke Vidic.

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