Recap: VPR/BHW Prom and Promageddon After Party
DJ Craig Mitchell in the Big Heavy World studio.
Vermont’s virtual Prom Goes #VTSTRONG set fire to the airwaves with a star studded list of celebrity cameos, local bands, and celebratory energy. Party-goers arrived at 7 p.m., after being chauffeured from bedrooms to living rooms. DJ Craig Mitchell spun the tracks at Big Heavy World’s studio, and the prom was heard through 8pm Saturday night across Vermont on all the Vermont Public Radio stations plus Big Heavy World’s 105.9FM The Radiator.
Students could submit words of encouragement and reflection before the event to be read to their classmates. Celebrities also submitted quips. These cameos ranged from local names like Tom Messner and THE Ben and Jerry, to international bands like Vampire Weekend. Best Coast, David Zuckerman, Darren Perron, Peter Welch, Ben Cohen, and Young the Giant rounded out the list.
Sameer of Young the Giant offered praise and stoic thoughts:“Congratulations, and much love to the graduating Vermont class of 2020. You guys are the future, and the world will be better with you in it. So stay VT strong, and I’ll see you on the other side of this.”
Big Heavy World always loves to see local bands involved, and DJ Craig Mitchell feels the same way. Prom and Promageddon’s lists of local Vermont music included Boys Cruise’s “Don’t You Cry,” Rivan C’s “Goddess,” Clever Girls’ “Crazy,” Don Rico’s “Bust Out (Get at ‘Em),” Francesca Blanchard’s “Make It Better,” The Bubs’ “Cause a Fuss,” Es-K’s “Our Generation,” and other songs by Andy Gagnon and Urian Hackney.
The post-party Promageddon cranked things up even further from 8pm —all the way up to the fourth largest listener count on MixCloud’s streams with Craig spinning on livestreaming video. The Big Heavy World studio was nearly empty of people thanks to pandemic precautions, but lit like a disco party at the Willie Wonka factory nonetheless. DJ Craig Mitchell danced the night away, and shared his high energy party with all of Vermont until the show wrapped up at 10pm.
“What an amazing night. The whole team, from VPR to AOE to BHW and Lucas on design shelf. It wouldn't have worked without a team flying blind and landing safely in a storm of 'let's make this work',” said Craig Mitchell.
Big Heavy World would like to thank Lucas Gledhill for contributing designs; Vermont Public Radio for inviting us to play a part; and the Vermont Agency of Education and VSAC for their support of the event, and Craig Mitchell for his commitment and artistry that brought it all to life.
Text by Luke Vidic.
Photos by Bob Colquhoun.