Big Heavy News for June: Listen in Place, Make Music Day, Networking, and more...
Brass Balagan on Rocket Shop.
The world has opened up a number of conversations with us about how we might all live together with health and justice, and how we aren't living that way yet. At BHW HQ the need to contribute to change is a raw and powerful feeling. Facing the pandemic, we've made our own honest efforts to keep our arts community connected and to be a part of the conversations that will move us toward an improved daily 'normal.' Facing the atrocious accumulated evidence of systemic racism in our justice system, we're committed to amplifying the voices who are most affected, and to press any privilege or resource we have into the collective push for a truly equitable society.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and your own contributions to growth and change — and for your presence and friendship.
Big Heavy World and Vermont Folk Life Center “Listen in Place”
The Vermont Folklife Center has partnered with Big Heavy World to hear and record the stories of local musicians from all over the state. On June 13 and 19 from 7 to 9 pm, artists can join together in virtual conversations hosted by Mary Wesley of the VFC to share their impressions of life during the past months. The audio will be recorded for VFC’s archive then broadcast on Big Heavy World’s station at 105.9 FM and become an ambient soundtrack to a large local music-themed mural. To join either conversation, contact Trish Denton, and find more information here.
Musicians performing at August First Bakery for Make Music VT 2019.
Livestream Yourself on Make Music Day
Now's the time to register your June 21 live-stream during the annual international Make Music Day! Let us know when and where you'll be online as we all adapt to the pandemic and virtually COME OUT AND PLAY! Register at and learn more about Vermont's Make Music Day at and the international festival celebrated in 1,000 cities in 120 countries at
DJ Craig Mitchell rocking out during the #VTstrong prom.
Prom Goes Virtual
On Saturday, May 30, 105.9FM The Radiator and all the stations of Vermont Public Radio brought a virtual prom to Vermont students who weren't able to have a traditional prom or graduation this year. Hosted by DJ cRAIG mITCHELL and supported by Vermont's Agency of Education and VSAC, the radio broadcast was followed by two hours of after party via Mixcloud, and both events featured music and shout-outs from national acts like Best Coast, Vampire Weekend, Young The Giant and locals, including Boys Cruise, Urian Hackney, Rivan C, Clever Girls, Don Rico, Francesca Blanchard, The Bubs and Es-K. Read more!
Local Musicians Share Livestreaming Experiences and Tips
On Wednesday, June 10, 6:30pm Big Heavy World moderator Quinn Mitchell hosted a group of local musicians sharing their streaming experiences. The panelists included musicians Sarah King, Rik Palieri, Craig Mitchell, and Kane Sweeney, along with tech-guru Sal Defrancesco. Topics included improving stream quality, finding gigs post-COVID, and how to make music on a budget. A full recap and video link will be available here.
New Livestreaming “Professional Development” and Networking Events Calendar
Visit the new 'Level Up!' calendar of live streaming conversations and webinars at to find opportunities to share some time with others while learning or expanding your circle of friends and colleagues. There's a wide scope of events meant to serve individual artists and organization leaders, too. Find the calendar on the Big Heavy World home page, and learn more about the Vermont Creative Network, which Big Heavy World serves by coordinating its Chittenden County zone.