March Newsletter
Vermont Bands and Musicians —
Reaching out with a note of friendship — and recognition that as we face fears and new responsibilities toward each other, we do so as creatives with the tools and inspiration to create fresh ways of safely sharing art and encouragement. We are no less a community in the face of the current challenge; if anything, we are more of one as we look out for each other, even with many of us in a state of emotional or economic suffering. As allies in the cause of persevering and emerging as a healthy and strengthened community, we thank you for your own contributions of spirit and energy. — James Lockridge
Thea Wren on Rocket Shop, Big Heavy World's local music radio hour.
At Big Heavy World we’ve adopted the social distancing and real-world disinfecting practices you’d expect We’ve also created resources meant to be helpful throughout this unique experience:
Resources in a Time of Need
Find links to sources of financial and other support for artists, arts institutions, and ‘small businesses’ at These include resources for those in recovery who now don’t have access to in-person peer groups. We’ve noted (via social media) that among our arts community are individuals who feel the effects of isolation especially hard. If you know of anyone in this fragile situation, please consider making an extra effort to reach out to them online or by phone.
Big Heavy World has subscribed to the Zoom web conferencing platform and are offering it as a safe virtual platform for community groups to continue to meet. If this is of use to your group, please email
Within recommended public health protocols (that we are attentive to as they are updated), a studio is available to artists who are unable to stream live original music to audiences from home or who would like access to a more technically robust studio setting for live streaming performances. See We would also love to learn of any other scheduled live music streaming performances; let us know at
Take a 360-degree peak into Big Heavy World HQ and the 105.9FM broadcasting studio, thanks to Brian LaClair!
Share your message with our radio audience
For those who would like to bring a short message to the community via broadcast radio, feel welcome to submit it as an MP3 via email to Radio-safe messages, commentary, new songs, spoken word, and community encouragement will be broadcast in Burlington on 105.9FM The Radiator and its stream.
Jessica Amelia on Rocket Shop, Big Heavy World's local music radio hour.
Volunteer remotely to support local music office efforts
Big Heavy World is staffed by volunteers and works to preserve and promote the original music of Vermont. If you have an interest in supporting this work, a current project is very well suited to remote volunteering: We are developing a map-based interface to our Vermont band and music industry directories. In preparation, we could use help making those directories as complete and accurate as possible. They’re currently in simple Google spreadsheet form which is easy to view. Would you consider helping us by making sure your favorite active artists and music businesses (like studios, instrument shops, and venues…) are in the directories and that we’ve got the info correct? Your corrections and additions could be sent to We would love to welcome you to ‘the team’ even if your effort is brief! Find the directories at and
Be a Voice for Artists & Allies for Emergency Funding
We’ve been reaching out to policymakers and groups who are strategizing to create emergency funding pools for Vermonters and Vermont businesses with input encouraging that musicians and others in the arts — whether artists or in supporting roles, like sound and lighting engineers — be included as stakeholders and candidates for these financial support mechanisms. Find opportunities for your own input to these conversations at
Amanda Duling is a newest DJ on 105.9FM The Radiator.
Our hope and ambition is to see every Vermonter — musicians or otherwise — have their needs met during this public crisis. As a volunteer-run organization our financial needs are minimal but real, and we are navigating them thoughtfully. As we work to continue to afford rent and utilities — while other Vermonters are facing equal or greater challenges — we struggle with conscience about seeking support. We continue to offer underwriting on 105.9FM The Radiator, the community radio station operating from the South End Arts District in Burlington. Underwriting is a non-commercial recognition on-air of any donation to Big Heavy World. If you are a small business willing to help us afford basic overhead, we will — with delight — recognize you on-air repeatedly for your gift of underwriting. Email for information. Individuals who are willing to support Big Heavy World with a direct donation can find PayPal links at We are also selling a Sony DMX-R100 48-Channel Digital Audio Mixer at a very fair price, help will mean a lot to us.
Thanks from Big Heavy World
Big Heavy World sends special thanks out to Craig Mitchell for the gift of two much-needed turntables that are on their way into The Radiator’s broadcast studio now. Also, to Ron Kline at Production Advantage for helping us into four beautiful, programmable LED stage lights for our studio. We thank Alice Dodge for her donation in honor of Will Dodge. Also, thank you to Ken French for a donation in memory of his brother Steve French. We thank Carl Walser and Victor Izzo for their sustaining support. Thanks also to Gary Smith at Popolo Restaurant for a generous recent donation.
242 Main: Call for Archival Footage
Filmmaker Bill Simmon and the production crew of the 'No Stage Diving: The Story of 242 Main' documentary invite anyone in the community with historic video from 242 Main to contact us! The crew is building a public archive of 242 Main history while gathering footage for the film — we'd love to digitize the history you've helped preserve and give it another purpose or two! (Thanks!)
Even while our volunteer and intern crew works remotely, we’re making progress on our various projects. It’s surprising how much communication can happen via email. The quiet time at the office has lent itself to accomplishing many smaller evening projects, too. When we all make it through and past the current crisis, Big Heavy World will be here to serve.
Urian Hackney of Rough Francis with a very special public service message.
Big Heavy World is an independent nonprofit music development office working to archive and promote the original music of Vermont. With a crew of volunteers it publishes information about Vermont’s music industry, archives thousands of Vermont-made recordings and photographs, and operates 105.9FM, a radio station highlighting the region’s creative community.