Radio Show 160 Thursday May 26, 2016 9-11PM Eastern US Time 107.1 FM and WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

Tonight’s local music radio show on 107.1FM in the Champlain Valley and broadcasting online on our Facebook Page WBKM, or at our website WBKM.ORG will go as follows:

Song before: The Crystal Ship – The Doors


From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds Of Burlington. It’s been a great week in Burlington with temperatures finally in the 70’s and 80’s and it’s so easy to get out and to do whatever you want. It’s so great to feel that freedom. One symbol of freedom that many people use as an allusion is the ship. Going to sea and setting yourself in a dance with nature is classic symbol throughout literature. Let’s begin with a song about ships.

1.) Ships – Anais Mitchell 2.) U Can Love If U Want To – Peg Tassey 3.) The Sea (Zach’s Song) – Francesca Blanchard

That’s a strong and gorgeous song from Francesca. Choosing to love is the ultimate Freedom. Thanks Peg Tassey MUSIC for explaining it so well. Great song from Anais. OK, let’s play the next song on Callisto.

4.) Find A Way – Alpenglow 5.) Storytellers – Slingshot Dakota 6.) Sun-Dipped Orphans And The Wizard’s Tea Pot – Elephants of Scotland 7.) Dancing In Dreamtime – Jerichovox

Beautiful song from the Jericho band. Something in Orphans reminded me of Dreamtime so I had to play them back to back. Great new song from Elephants. The new album called Break by Slingshot is still rocking my world. That’s another of the wonderful songs on that album. Great new song from Alpenglow. Last Sunday I had the usual bunch of friends stop over to watch Game Of Thrones. I know, I should have skipped it and went to Radio Bean to see REDadmiral, but just because I missed them, that doesn’t mean that you have to.

8..) Stop – REDadmiral 9.) Look At The Lilacs – Binger 10.) Stick That In Your Juicebox and Sip It – Better Things 11.) All My Life – Wide Wail

Classic rocker from Burlington’s ’90’s. BT did a great job opening for Slingshot at The Monkey House a couple of weeks ago. They played a great version of Juicebox that night. The lilacs are blooming and smelling fantastic and I love that new Binger song. Cool rocker from Admiral. So, I heard the coolest news last week. I went to Radio Bean to see The Nancy Druids and since Sean is playing in the band with Ann Mindell, and Julia Austin was hanging out at the show, Sean said that in July that Matt Hutton would come to Vermont and they will play an Envy reunion show!!! I think they were my favorite band from the ’90’s and I’m so excited! Here are a few songs from their album Distorted Greetings.

12.) Bloodboy – Envy 13.) Still Life Scene – Envy 14.) Bomb – Envy

I can’t wait to see them again! Yea! OK, on a different note, I’m in a bit of a melancholy mood, since it’s almost Memorial Day and last year on that day my uncle passed away. Hearing the news on Wednesday that Gordon Downie from The Tragically Hip was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer was pretty devastating. They have played Burlington many many times and have filled Vermont with their music for many years. They have a new album coming out and will do one more tour, which just amazes me. Here is a set of their music.

15.) Music At Work – The Tragically Hip 16.) New Orleans Is Sinking (live) – The Tragically Hip 17.) Fully Completely – The Tragically Hip

It’s sad and beautiful to think that we will get one more chance to see the mighty Canadian band. OK, let’s switch to some good news. Vermont artist Anais Mitchell did an album about her take on the Orpheus and Eurydice saga a few years ago. She called it Hadestown and it’s being performed in New York City off Broadway at the New York Theater Workshop. Here are a few songs from the album.

18.) Lover’s Desire – Anais Mitchell 19.) His kiss, the Riot – Anais Mitchell 20.) Doubt Comes In – Anais Mitchell 21.) I Raise My Cup To Him – Anais Mitchell

That is the ending of the Hadestown album. Well, there’s only so much time, so let’s play one more song.

22.) Extended Werewolf – farm

There’s only so much time indeed. I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?


Songs after: Lost Plot (live) – Fish Grace, Too – The Tragically Hip Freak Turbulence – The Tragically Hip Blow At High Dough – The Tragically Hip

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,