Site Coordinators Sought for Make Music Day VT in State Parks

Photos by Justin Lajoie and Bob Ricketson, courtesy Vermont State Parks.

Make Music VT, the grass roots public music festival happening all across Vermont, has received a very special invitation. Vermont State Parks are welcoming the public to free music on June 21 as a contribution to the Make Music VT effort. Big Heavy World has the opportunity to match-up concert coordinators with these state park concert sites:

Jamaica, Jamaica VT:

Silver Lake, Barnard VT:

Mt. Philo, Charlotte VT:

Grand Isle, Grand Isle VT:

Boulder Beach or Groton Nature Center, Groton: or

Elmore, Elmore VT:

If you have experience coordinating live performances and would enjoy volunteering to create a free, all-ages concert in these parks in the late afternoon and evening of Make Music Day on June 21, please contact us with your interest.

Grand Isle State Park