Radio Bean Birthday Party Part 1 Dino Bravo And The Ramparts November 7, 2015

Words by Tim Lewis.

There’s nothing like being in a bar at 8:30am with everyone heartily singing We’re All Alright, We’re All Alright. The Radio Bean birthday party is underway.

Despite setting my alarm for 7:20p,, I woke up just in time to throw myself together and catch a ride from Mike Luoma down to the Bean. Around 8:15 Dino Bravo VT cranked out some loud heavy rock. They opened with Chuck Berry and followed with Sugar Coated Candy Stix. A ripping version of Past the Mark featured some sweet Chris Farnsworth lead guitar playing and the band wrapped the set with a cover of Surrender.

The Ramparts followed with a blues rock stomp song that was kind of cool. The four-piece, two guitars, bass, drums band rocked a more bluesy pop song and finished up with a cover of Head Over Heels.

Knowing it’s going to be a long day, I headed home and will check the lineup, and likely pop in and out all day long. I’m psyched for Swale around 4pm and Blue Button at 10:30 but need to check the lineup to make sure I don’t miss anything, or at least not much!

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,