Radio Show 118 Thursday July 9, 2015 9-11PM Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from my local music radio show on internet only The opening song set the tone for the bands and music that followed.

Song before: Satellite – Guster



From our small city to the great big world, these are the sounds of Burlington. I had great plans to see lots of music this week, but twisted my ankle on Friday and sat (with leg up and icepack on) out too much of it. It’s a bit better now so I should be all set soon. Today has been cloudy and cool and humid and I’ve been in a spacey sort of mood. Let’s take a trip through the last 30 years in town and start with Move Through Time by Persian Claws on WBKM, and this is Burlington’s Kind Of Music.

1.) Move Through Time – Persian Claws 2.) Pauses – Black Rabbit 3.) Your Downtown Aperture – Video Pigeon 4.) All My Life – Wide Wail

Killer song from a classic band from Burlington’s glorious ’90’s. Some people say Burlington bands come in waves and there are times when there is not much around. Even in those troughs bands like Video Pigeon were around rocking beautifully. Killer new song from Rabbit. Great song from the Claws!! OK, let’s stay in the ’90’s for a bit.

5.) The Summer Of Andy – The Cancer Conspiracy 6.) Last Man Standing – Band X 7.) Jules Rosen and Joe Steel – Brave The Vertigo 8.) One More Grave – The Contrarian

Casey Merlin Rae used to play in bands in town, then wrote the music column for Seven Days and is now working in DC to help find ways for musicians to get paid for their music. Yea!! I really wanted to check out Vertigo at Radio Bean last night, but the ankle said no. Killer song from Band X who sort of evolved into Elephants of Scotland. OK, let’s go on to the next song on JV, the album I’m playing all the way through week after week, song after song.

9.) Who could Say – The Mountain Says No 10.) Mad Captain – Brother Zag 11.) Day Of The Dead – Hana Zara 12.) Abilene – The Lonestar Chain

I’ve been watching the flooding in Texas and saw a mention on the Weather Chanel of Abilene and thought of Burette Douglas and this song. Killer song from Hana. Zag is one of the known unknown cool artists in town. Mountain will be at Radio Bean on Saturday and I really want to make it to the show. I was thinking of checking out this next band when they played Summervale today, but walking down the hill away from the radio station was not going to happen today, short of an act from God.

13.) Dear God – Kat Wright & The Indomitable Soul Band 14.) Dancing In Dreamtime – Jerichovox 15.) Holiday – Guppyboy 16.) Old Man – Will

Killer song from the Rutland band from the early 2000’s. When they broke up they became Thompson Gunner and Split Tongue Crow. Killer song from the classic ’90’s band. Jericho are playing around a bit and were really cool when I saw them a couple of months back. OK, let’s go back to the early ’80’s, or maybe ’70’s.

17.) At The Diner – Zoot Wilson 18.) 2012 – Lobot 19.) Waterlanding – Swale 20.) Ladders – Heavy Plains

Nice song from the super new band who will be at Nectar’s tomorrow. Swale and one other band will be there too. A few weeks back Chris Farnsworth gave me a collection of songs that Lobot had left over. That one was pretty cool. Hmmm, Zoot. This next band is the other one playing Nectar’s tomorrow.

21.) Ruffians – ROUGH FRANCIS 22.) Gas And Oil – Gas And Oil 23.) Plastic Revolution – Doll Fight 24.) Stop – REDadmirial

Admiral were at The Old North Ender last night. I had hopes of checking out some of them then heading to the Bean for Vertigo, but it was the couch and ice for me. I’ve got to go see them! Killer song from the 2000’s punk band. Gas was Beano Parker, from the Wards, side project and really rocked! OK, in classic Burlington style, this next band will be at the Bean at the same time as the Nectar’s show tomorrow. Rats!! I love this band.

25.) It’s Happening – Anachronist 26.) Sayonara – Black Rabbit

I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Song after: What Color Is God? – Fish

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,