Radio Show 88 Thursday November 20, 2014 9-11PM Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from doing my local music radio show on internet only Wbkm Dot Org, and seeing music at Club Metronome. Much like Blue Button I started and ended classic and threw some new songs in the middle.

Song Before: Like A Hurricane – Neil Young



From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds of Burlington. It’s a cold night in Burlington and it’s making me want the comfort of come classics. Here are some spy songs to get us going. This is Opium Spy Thriller by Ninja Custodian on WBKM, and this is Burlington’s kind of music.

1.) Opium Spy Thriller – Ninja Custodian 2.) The Spy Song – Pinhead 3.) Goodbye Mr Bond – Blotto

I loved seeing Blotto at Hunt’s. All three bands used to play in the ’80’s in Burlington. It’s cold, and one of the best ways to warm up is to burn something. This band is likely playing right now at Club Metronome.

4.) Burn Burn Burn – Phil Yates & The Affiliates 5.) What’s In California? – Joshua Glass 6.) A Quiet Pun – Joe Adler 7.) Gold in California – The Red Telephone 8.) California’s Burning – Thompson Gunner

The best ways to stay warm in a Vermont winter are to burn something, or go somewhere warm like California. OK, on to the next song on Lipstick and Dynamite.

9.) Rejected – Black Rabbit 10.) We’re Closed – Blue Button 11.) I-90 East – ROUGH FRANCIS

Rough Francis have a couple of birthday shows coming up in early December at Radio Bean. Blue Button are playing with Phil Yates and Dino Bravo VT at Metronome tonight. I keep missing shows by this next band and will have to cure that soon. I love these three as one piece.

12.) Sequoia I – Binger 13.) Sequoia II – Binger 14.) Sequoia III – Binger

Love the music and the deep thinking lyrics. This next guy has some great lyrics too.

15.) The Time Traveler – Jeremy Gilchrist 16.) Flux Capacitor – Wave of the Future 17.) Linea – Vetica

Vetica have broken up and have a new album coming out soon. I can’t wait! Wave are so much fun, and I love the lyrical tie in with Jeremy. The WBKM birthday party at Nectar’s last Saturday was a blast. These guys were amazing.

18.) Echoes – Bud & Budd ~ The Kind Buds 19.) Restraints – Seth Yacovone Band 20.) Bamboozled By Love – Bob Wagner and the Book ‘Em Blues Band

Book ‘Em played a killer version of that Frank Zappa song at the birthday show. Seth and the band were amazing doing a Neil Young set, and the Kind Buds were just phenomenal. This next song is one of the great songs to come out of this town recently.

21.) The Next Instead – Swale 22.) Highway Brain – The Cush 23.) Vitamin Dee – Persian Claws

Great new song from the digital release of the Claws album. Thanks Cush for the killer shows at Arts Riot and Radio Bean!! Hmm, Swale. That was all new, so let’s end classic. I love this song.

24.) Powder – The New Siberians 25.) Tastes Like Nothing – Zola Turn 26.) Every Time I Hear That Mellow Saxophone – Big Joe Burrell and the Unknown Blues Band

I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Next week is Thanksgiving but we can check it out again the week after.



Song after: The Company – Fish

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,