Radio Bean Birthday Party Part 4 With The Lynguistic Civilians, Joe Adler And The Rangers Of Danger, Ryan Miller With Swale, Lee Anderson And Appalled Eagles, Kat Wright And The Indomitible Soul Band, Brass Balagan, Mal Malz, The Cush, And The Eames Brothers Band on November 8, 2014

Words by Tim Lewis.

When last I wrote about the amazing Radio Bean birthday show, Swale had just finished up a killer set. After such an amazing run of music I needed a little break, so I left the crowd and headed to the back of the bar to get a drink. The Lynguistic Civilians were onstage and had the crowd dancing in a hip hop frenzy. I wasn’t too focused on the music, but a ton of people were having a great time. I chatted with Bobby Hackney Jr. and was excited to hear about a couple of upcoming ROUGH FRANCIS shows with lots of great special guests. It sounds like a couple of really rocking nights in early December are coming. The one thing that struck me as odd while the Civilians played was that Amanda Gustafson stayed at her keyboard on the other stage. Hmmmm. Anyway, I was about to buy a drink when Bobby bought it for me. Thanks! That was very kind!!

When the Civilians finished up,Joe Adler & The Rangers Of Danger took the stage and I headed back to the crowd. The band is a bit mutable and in this version Joe was joined by Eric Segalstad on guitar, Bob Wagner on guitar, Padraic Reagan on bass, Amanda on keys, and Jeremy Frederick on drums. They did not play any of the songs on Joe’s album, and I did not know the first one but the band was very solid and a rocking good time. They invited Aya Inoue to the stage for the second song, and played a sweet Atlantic City. Ryan Miller sang backup on the next one and they had a trombone player add a bit of brass to finish off their set with a rousing Let It Bleed.

When the set was done, a couple of people left the stage, and Eric Olsen and Tyler Bolles returned. Ryan Miller’s backup band was Swale and they launched into a set about friends. They started with I’ve Got Friends In Low Places. They kicked up the energy and volume for a ferocious rocker, something about All My Friends Are Dead, then wrapped the set with a rocker driven by Amanda’s steady keyboard riff. I’m not sure the song, but I’m sure it was about friends.

Everyone’s attention moved to the other stage as Lee Anderson and Appalled Eagles took the stage. You never know what you are going to get with Appalled but it will be oddly fun. This version had Eric Segalstad on guitar, Tyler on bass, and Brett Hughes on drums. Lee asked the audience for a few different musical genres and the band played the suggestions. The first suggestion was bubblegum pop, and the band obliged. The second was polka. Lee asked if anyone knew how to polka and a woman in the back did. She came forward and both she and Alyssa Solomon polkad like crazy as the band jammed. Up next was some disco, then they slipped into some dubstep. During this part, Joe brought a cake to the stage and they lit the candles. We did a spoken word Happy Birthday to Radio Bean and Lee took the cake to the bar and used the ceiling to smother the candles. I wonder if there is still frosting up there.

Kat Wright & The Indomitable Soul Band followed with a killer 5 song set. They just ooze style and class and had the whole room dancing. I’m not as much of a dance music fan, but Bob Wagner had a few sweet guitar lines that kept me going. Kat is a great singer and instead of belting songs out, just sort of lets them emanate from her soul. Listening to her sing is like hearing a casual utterance of beauty. The band were super tight and occasionally fierce, and the audience had a great time. They ended with The Light and as the song fell into it’s closing section members of Brass Balagan, who had been infiltrating the room for a few songs, joined in then took over. They kept the dance party going for a few songs, but it was a bit too crowded for me, so I headed to the back for a bit.

At this point it was after 1am and I was very tired. It had been a long day, but there was one more band I just had to wait for.

Mal Maiz took the stage next with some polka music. The first perked me up a little. I’m not sure what the lyrics were, but the music was Black Sabbath‘s Iron Man. They played a couple more, and then it was time.

Billed as the FourteensThe Cush took the stage with a roar. With Jake on guitar and Steve Hadeka on drums, they lit into a new heavy rocker. The exhaustion melted and I was in rock heaven. They followed with another killer new song and the still full house was going crazy. They closed the set with a blistering I Shout Love At The Heart Of The Atom. I danced almost every last bit of energy out of my body and sang along with delight.

The moment they finished, The Eames Brothers Band started up on the other stage. They sounded pretty cool, but I was exhausted. I grabbed my coat and said a quick goodbye to Caroline Marie and Savanna and headed out the door. The walk home was quick and pleasant and had a nice extra good night exchange a little ways in.

I always think of the Radio Bean birthday party as the best day of music in town, and this years version lived up to that title nicely. Thanks everyone!!!!!!

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,