Radio Show 75 Thursday August 21, 2014 9-11PM Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from sort of doing my radio show and seeing live music. I wanted to go see the Dirty Blondes so I voice-tracked all my breaks, set the songs into the queue and went over to Club Metronome to rock.

Song before: Two Places At Once – The Church Band



From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds Of Burlington. I saw a lot of rock and roll in the past week, so let’s kick off with the next song from Ninja Jane on WBKM and this is Burlington’s Kind of Music.

1.) Racecar Driver – Zola Turn 2.) Be Aggressive – BE AGGRESSIVE 3.) Scorned Woman – The Dirty Blondes

Both the Blondes and Be Aggressive are playing at Club Metronome with Dino Bravo VT at 10, so I’m recording the breaks early and will head over to the show. (Be Aggressive cancelled so Jason Cooley did a Cooleoke set). Last Saturday I saw a killer rock band play at the Fletcher Free Library.

4.) Miles From Where We Started – Tesla’s Revenge 5.) All I Want Is A Hoverboard – Wave of the Future 6.) Oklahoma Road Rage – Crazyhearse 7.) Demons – Waylon Speed

Last Saturday Waylon and ROUGH FRANCIS played a show on a ferry on Lake Champlain. The timing was too tight with work, so I went to the Fletcher Free Library to see SADG’s, Tesla’s Revenge and S.e. Ward, then headed to Nectar’s to see Wave, Burning Monk, and The Mountain Says No. Crazyhearse just took a trip across the USA and played a bunch of shows. Another killer song from the Wave ep. Saturday, Black Rabbit and Rough Francis will play at Charlie O’s in Montpelier.

8.) Black And Red – Rough Francis 9.) Carnage – Black Rabbit 10.) Weapons Factory – The Wards 11.) Forbidden Love – Pinhead

A couple of classic Burlington bands alongside two great current Burlington bands. I think the Saturday show is the debut of Jane Boxall playing with Black Rabbit, so that should be great. Up next is another song by a band who rocked the library

12.) Wrappers – SADGs 13.) Hoping That I’m Wrong – Will 14.) Wilderland – Anais Mitchell 15.) Lithuania – Hana Zara

I just love that song by Hana. Anais is playing a couple of shows on Sunday at the Wyswyg festival. I love that song from Will and both they, and SADGs are from Rutland. This next set is dedicated to Washington and Colorado.

16.) Grandma Betty – Brother Zag 17.) Seeds And Stems – The New Siberians 18.) Space Weed Zombies – Wave Of The Future

That was Wave live at Nectar’s a few months back. They played a wonderful high energy show last Saturday when they released their new EP. Great song from the Siberians. Brother Zag, the most elusive singer in town. Here’s another great Burlington song.

19.) If You Get Lost – Swale 20.) Throw Me Away – Spill 21.) Uh-Oh – Slowdim 22.) Gentleman – Plan B

Great song from Plan B. Slowdim are from Boston and have a bunch of great songs, like that one. Killer song from the ’90’s by Spill and Swale played a killer Lost at the Precipice. Here’s another of my favorite songs.

23.) Pennsylvania – The Red Telephone 24.) Naked Garden – Peg Tassey MUSIC 25.) Oscar Man – Torpedo Rodeo 26.) Sunny Side Of The Couch – The Lestons

That’s Matthew Stephen Perry‘s old band. His new one, Dino Bravo don’t have anything recorded yet, but I’ll get it to you when they do. Killer songs from Torpedeo and Peg. I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Song after: Faith Healer – Fish then it went into In The Mood (live) – Robert Plant then regular programming

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,