Interview: Mr. Doubtfire

Words by Jackson Balling. Photo by Cara Paganelli.

This year’s Summer Solstice brought us twenty-four hours of gorgeous weather and a night of diverse local music at 242 Main, ranging from alternative rock to aggressive hardcore punk. Before the doors opened at 7 there were groups of people outside the doors, prepared for the first show booked and promoted by Tiny Sea Promotions that featured The New 802, The id, Mr. Doubtfire, and As We Were.

Floating within 242 Main throughout the first two sets, members of Mr. Doubtfire were preparing for another set at the venue, but this one was particularly special. As one of the more recent additions to the Burlington music scene they haven’t wasted any time making a name for themselves. It actually only took one show to build a reputation, or “the band who plays Jawbreaker covers”, but now they've abolished Jawbreaker from their setlist as they focus on showcasing all original songs.

With only six months of time together and even a new bass player in their midst, vocalist Paul Lavigne expressed that chemistry is something that has just come easy to them. As I sat and talked with the band it was clear how well they meshed together. Their sound is reminiscent of 90s indie rock and emo, along with subtle pop punk influences, but it is something unique to the people creating it. The band comically described it as a sonic “spaghetti ice cream”, specifically because “it doesn't sound good on paper, but it’s a great pregnant food”, referring to the absolute mishmash of influences that each member has and how it all translate into their writing processes.

Now with live experience and several songs added to their repertoire they’re moving towards recording their first studio release next month. Guitarists Nicholas Treis and Meghan Burke shared their excitement for the new material, viewing it as another to promote their sound and show their band’s rapid maturity. Outside of the excitement for their first recorded material, the band has a show coming up on August 1st at the Sad Café in New Hampshire, which they hope to be one of many shows in the future.