Radio Show 57 Thursday April 10, 2014 9-10PM Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG I just got back from my 57th local music radio show on internet only WBKM.ORG. It started and ended a bit mellow, but had some rock in between. The song before was Kings by the Church in honor of the return of Game Of Thrones.

Song before: Kings – The Church Band



From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds Of Burlington. The temperature has gotten into the 60’s, the snow is melted, and flowers are coming out. That is one way we know that spring is here. The angle of the sun is another. Here’s Peg Tassey on WBKM, and this is Burlington’s Kind Of Music.

1.) Angle Of The Sun – Peg Tassey MUSIC 2.) Stay Away From Sarah (acoustic) – Chin Ho! 3.) If Time Was A River – Anna Padernik And Her Apologies

Anna is best known in VT and around the world in her band Vermont Joy Parade, but her solo songs are what grab me. That was a great song by classic VT band Chin Ho! I love that Peg song. We are into spring, yea!. I just had a little extra money to buy an album and picked up one I’ve been wanting to for a while.

4.) Liar – Maryse Smith 5.) Guitar – Michael Chorney And Hollar General 6.) Time To Get Out – Aaron Flinn and Salad Days

Great song by one of VT’s treasures. I hope you listened to how amazingly well Aaron played that guitar. Michael Chorney has put a lot of music into VT, and will be working on a project with Maryse. That could be cool. Here is the next song on Dancing With The Big Guy.

7.) Funky Breakdown – Ninja Custodian 8.) Flux Capacitor – Wave of the Future 9.) Yardsale – Lendway 10.) 1,000 Lies – Sean Toohey

Sean is half of the dynamic songwriting duo, with Matt Hutton, who brought us the songs of Envy and Red Telephone. Sean also worked with Alice Austin on To A Star In The Yard and played the Burlington show for that album’s release. Part of me thinks I played Yardsale because it’s almost that time in VT, but most of me played it because it’s a great song. Flux is the most Back To The Future of the Wave songs. That was recorded at Nectar’s. I remember seeing Funky many many times at Nectat’s . Up next is another new song from Elephants Of Scotland.

11.) TFAY – Elephants of Scotland 12.) The Summer Of Andy – The Cancer Conspiracy 13.) Waterlanding – Swale

To Forget About You. It was fun to get a bit proggy for that set. I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Here is a song by Fish that he just released a video for. It’s about the dangers of what we are doing to our world and about not appreciating beauty in our lives

Song after: Blind To The Beautiful – Fish

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,