Radio Show 51 Thursday February 27, 2014 9-10PM Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from my local music radio show on internet only WBKM.ORG. I had great plans all set, then noticed that the flower to click on, to listen to the stream, was missing. It’s working now, but I’m not sure how many people were able to listen to the show. Thanks Britt Shorter for letting me know that it could be heard by some, and played at Healthy Living.

Song before: It’s Going Down – MIDLAKE BAND



From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds Of Burlington. Today, I got asked one of the nicest questions ever. Eric Olsen asked if I would like a new Swale song to play on the show. I said yes!! This is a song called Joyless by a band called Swale on WBKM, and this is Burlington’s Kind Of Music.

1.) Joyless – Swale 2.) Jet Pilot High – The Red Telephone 3.) Carry The Oar – Pours

Pours are a newish duo who have an album coming out in May. it’s on Section Sign Records, who are making vinyl albums of local music. They will play a show in April at Signal Kitchen. I saw them once at the Lou Reed tribute night at the Monkey House, where they played a killer version of Venus In Furs. It will be fun to hear what the album sounds like. Before that was the mighty Red Telephone and what a great new song from Swale. They are playing March 7th, the same night ROUGH FRANCIS are playing an album release show at Arts Riot. Also that night both Black Rabbit and The Mountain Says No are playing at Manhattan Pizza and Pub. How do I be in 3 places at once? Oh well, here’s the next song on Maximum Soul Power.

4.) Righteous – Rough Francis 5.) Knight Ov Swords – The Contrarian 6.) Children Of The Grave – JCHA 7.) Home Invasion – Rough Francis

I felt so bad about cutting Hi off last week I wanted to play it again this week, only all the way through. JCHA played at Metal Monday at Nectar’s after Elephants of Scotland the other week. I was tired and did not stay, but they left out 4 song discs that said take one, so I did. Nice cover of Sabbath on that one. Burlington seems to have a thing for covering Sabbath, whether it’s The Dirty Blondes doing Paranoid, Swale doing War Pigs, Samara Lark Brown singing Electric Funeral with the Mildred Moody band, or any of the ones I’m forgetting. Swords is a killer song and Casey Hades Rae is in town, so I had to play one of his songs. I probably should have picked up that he was on a music panel Wednesday night with Dan Bolles and walked down to check it out. OK, let’s keep rocking

8.) Dirty Knees – Persian Claws 9.) I Need A Raise – Cave Bees 10.) Scorned Woman – The Dirty Blondes 11.) Trading Bullets – Fire The Cannons

I love the eponymous song from the Cannons. The Blondes always rock. It’s Mardi Gras in Burlington this weekend. One year I saw the bees on the Seven Daysfloat playing I Need A Raise right in the heart of downtown. The Claws have been playing some impressive shows lately!! Next up, let’s slow it down a bit with one of the great women singer songwriters in town. Not only does she play a lot, but she is very active in supporting Girls Rock Vermont, which helps give girls the resources to go out and play rock music. That can only make our musical community better,and I praise Linda Bassick for all of her great work.

12.) One From Two – Linda Bassick 13.) Think I’ll Stay – Great Western 14.) Go Ahead – farm

Hmmm, Eonosburg’s finest, Farm. I love that song by GW. I may try and catch some of their set at 1/2 Lounge tomorrow, before heading to Signal Kitchen for the Rachel Ries album release party. I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Song after: Market Square Heroes – Fish

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,