Vedora At Radio Bean January 17, 2014

Words by Tim Lewis.

Thursday was a long night of music, writing, then wide awake tossing and turning. Friday was a long work day. By the time I got out at 6:30 I was ready to drop. I drowsily hung out at home for a bit, but as the clock passed 10, I perked up a little. I put on the black, ventured into the mild cold of our winter, and walked down to Radio Bean. I slipped into the coffee house, got a drink, and soon enough, Vedora hit the stage. Opening with the gorgeously sprawling Emptiness, it was obvious the band were in fine form. As they eased through their set, the sound was elegant and smooth and had a lot of powerful rock. Songs like The Feeling started with a pleasant pop structure, but built and built and rocked hard at the end. The new songs help up nicely against such classics as Promises, and Terrarium. In the Pines has been reworked to be slower and grittier and in the late middle section Matthew Hastings ripped out a killer solo. Caroline O’Connor’s voice was enchanting and her bass playing kept the songs together perfectly, and gave Matt plenty of room to run some intense lead breaks. New drummer Ian Moodie was solid and is fitting in well with their sound. They bookended the night with another scintillating slow burn of a song, and as Sober began it’s reach upwards into rock and roll glory, the audience was taken on a very wonderful ride. As the last note faded, I said a quick goodbye. The walk home was pleasant and fast. I walked in the door at 12:15 and was asleep by 12:30. I’m pretty tired this morning, put in a completely content way.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,