Dark Side Of The Mountain At Club Metronome December 29, 2013

Words by Tim Lewis.

I think tonight went:

Obscured By Clouds -> When You’re In Hey You Lucifer Sam -> Arnold Layne chant ->Run Like Hell with slow dance jam. Lowell Thompson came up to sing and play Arnold Layne Marco Benevento came on for Speak To Me->Breathe->On The Run->Interstellar Overdrive, in the middle of which Matthew Bryan Hagen and Marco were going off and made me wonder what they might be able to collaborate on, then let it flow into Time. Things settled as they approached Gig. I was really close to the stage and suddenly there was a woman low on the stage who began to sing. As she nailed Gig she rose, and it was Grace Potter. She sang Gig will all of her heart and it was great. The band wrapped it up, and that was the end of set 1.

I correctly guessed that set 2 would begin with Money. I though Kat would sing it, but it was all Bob Wagner. Kat and Luc came up for Us and Them, the core 5, OK 6 with Marco, played a killer Any Color, then Kat came back for Brain Damage/Eclipse. My notes get fuzzy, but I think Matt crooned San Tropez then they brought up another singer, who’s name I missed, for Childhood’s End.  Somewhere in there Kat sang Have A Cigar.  Kelly Ravin came up to sing and play Yong Lust, then Kat returned, with Benny, for Wish You Were Here. They let it flow into Fearless, as usual. They followed with Pigs On A Wing (part 1) into Dogs., then wrapped the set with a killer Comfortably Numb.

They came back for Shine On You Crazy Diamond (the first 5 parts), then followed with Echoes to finish the night. It was another excessively late night of blisteringly magnificent music and I can’t thank all that were involved anywhere nearly enough.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog, https://timstriangletribune.wordpress.com.