Radio Show 39 Thursday December 5 , 2013 9-10pm Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from radio show 39 on WBKM.ORG.  Last week was Thanksgiving and I had a great idea for a show.  It turned out that I had the night off, and the internet only radio station had some special programming going on.  Tonight, one week later, I did the Thanksgiving show.  I had an issue loading in more music, so I changed it up a bit to be all classic.

Song before: Brothers And Sisters – Joe Adler And The Rangers Of Danger



From our small city to the great big world, these are the Sounds Of Burlington.  Last week I had an idea for a Thanksgiving show.  I had the night off, so I will do it tonight.  I was thinking about the many things in my life I have to be thankful for.  I’ve got great parents and a brother.  I’ve got lots of great friends.  There’s tons of great music around all the time.  Tonight I want to choose one and highlight how thankful I feel.  I am very thankful for my brother Ken.  He’s had some challenges in life, and it’s sometimes hard to drag him out to local shows.  Since I have started my radio show, he listens often and writes me an e-mail about it after.  He really likes playing air guitar to rocking songs.  This show is dedicated to him.  Tonight we start with Alice Austin’s next song from To A Star In The Yard, this is Run My Man on WBKM, and this is Burlington’s Kind Of Music.

1.) Run My Man – Alice Austin 2.) Be Aggressive – BE AGGRESSIVE 3.) 89 – Black Rabbit 4.) Kick The Can – Cave Bees

Are you rocking yet Ken?  I sure am.  Cave Bees are back in Austin for the winter.  It was good to see them a few times.  Black Rabbit always rock!  Be Aggressive just played at Punksgiving in White River.  Up next, let’s keep rocking.

5.) Las Vegas – Ninja Custodian 6.) Bomb – Envy 7.) The Eldridge – Cameo Harlot

I hope Ken has been rocking out to those last few.  While it’s sometimes hard to get him out to local shows, We’ve been to quite a few big ones together.  The last one was the Clockwork Angels tour in Montreal.

8.) The Trees – RUSH 9.) Shout It Out Loud – KISS 10.) Iron Maiden – Iron Maiden 11.) Hey You – Pink Floyd

I’ve seen Floyd twice without Roger, and Roger three times solo, but never together.  I put Hey You in, because for two years our parents got us tickets to see a full show Pink Floyd cover band at the Flynn Theater.  They were pretty fun shows and it was good to see them with Ken.  Last night at Nectar’s there was a Floyd tribute band called Dark Side Of The Mountain.  Matt Burr, Bob Wagner and the rest of the band were pretty excellent.  They will be there for the nest two Wednesdays.  Ken and I have seen Iron Maiden many many times.  When Kiss got back together, we saw them three times, and they were great!  Ken always seems to like it when I play this next band, but there is one song he seems to like just a little bit more.

12.) Ornan’s Song – The Dirty Blondes 13.) Morning Again – Doll Fight 14.) Come To Space – ROUGH FRANCIS

Ken always likes it when I play Rough Francis.  I really should try and drag him to a show sometime soon.  I like the symmetry of dedicating this to my brother with a band lead by brothers.  Doll Fight really rock too.  Well, I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town.  Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Hey, Tim still here.  I’ve always been playing a Fish song after my show, and Ken has remarked how much he’s liked all the songs on A Feast Of Consequences.  This is my favorite.

Song after: Crucifix Corner

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,