Radio Show 27 Thursday August 29 , 2013 9-10pm Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from Radio show 27 on WBKM.ORG. I thought it went pretty well, but with wide open windows, four Fire trucks went by, starting at the beginning of my second break. They were nicely staggered, so when there was a space after one went by, another came along. Live radio, what are you going to do.? I got in early and started putting in songs at 8:30, then stacked a few after the show.


Song Before: Candle Song – Jon Anderson



From our small city to the great big world, these are the sounds of Burlington. Actually, tonight we are going to start a little south of Burlington. These next three bands are from the town of my father’s birth, Rutland. Here is Will on WBKM, Burlington’s kind of music.


1.) Six Inch Knife – Will

2.) Manuel – Split Tongue Crow

3.) Empress of Ireland – Thompson Gunner


Matt Marro was a roommate and bartender who got me into all three bands. He and Eoin are in Will and STC, Connor is in Will and Thompson, and Dave & Jeremy are in all 3. Next up is the next song from Swale’s A Small Arrival.


4.) Pay Attention – Swale

5.) Colorblind – The New Siberians

6.) Lithuania – Hana Zara


Hana was great at Radio Bean last Friday. She had us sit on the floor and somehow made the place even more intimate. Colorblind is a nice song. I tried to say something about Swale but with firetrucks running by both windows four times, I just got in what I could. Tomorrow I’m going to check out this band at the Monkey House.


7.) Pretty Girls – Phil Yates And The Affiliates

8.) Solution – Vedora

9.) Tibbar Tibbar – Black Rabbit

10.) Vestibule – Blue Button

11.) Plastic Revolution – Doll Fight!


Revolution Doll style now! That is dedicated to any girl who thinks she can play rock and roll, because she/you can! Those Queen City riot girrrls prove it. Rebekah Whitehurst proves it with Blue Button. Darlene Scarano proves it with Blue Button, and Caroline O’Connor proves it with Vedora. Tomorrow I’m going to check out Black Rabbit and Phil and the Affiliates at the Monkey House. If not for work, I’d love to go to Montpelier tomorrow for Swale and Vedora at Charlie O’s. That will be a great show! I think I’m going out Saturday to Radio Bean to check out this next guy.


12.) You’re Song’s Too Long – Ray Fork

13.) Geograph – Elephants Of Scotland


I couldn’t help playing the long Elephants song after Ray. Hey, I’d love to see Elephants again. Does anyone know anyone who can book them somewhere? I hope you enjoyed checking out the music of our town. Let’s do it again next week, shall we?



Song After Medley with Marillion piano intro/So Fellini/Lucky/Internal Exile/Market Square Heroes – Fish

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,