Radio Show 3 Thursday March 14, 2013 9-10pm Eastern US Time WBKM.ORG

Words by Tim Lewis.

I just got back from show number 3 on WBKM. I thought it went pretty well, but learned a few things about how the players trim the songs, at beginning and end, when the volume drops low. I really learned it on the song I played after the show!!

Tonight’s show

Lead in song: Turn of the Century – Yes



From our small city to the great big world, these are the sounds of Burlington…

I advocated wearing headphones, lighting candles & incense, and said we would explore the psychedelic side of Burlington

1.) Naked Garden – Peg Tasseyand Proud of It

2.) Pennsylvania – The Red Telephone

Break – Talked about Matt and Sean getting together and forming Envy, getting signed to Warner Brothers, having it not work out, them making an EP with a song about the music industry, then releasing Cellar Songs. I talked about Peg getting written up in 7 Days for the FXFU concert festival. I said last week I was going to play a song, but had to pull it to make way for an Elephants of Scotland song, since it was Dan MacDonald’s birthday. The song I was going to play was…

3.) Telepathic Headdress – The Cush

4.) Dragnet – Vedora

5.) Waterlanding – Swale

I talked about how I recommended wearing headphones for the show, mentioned the plastic headphones reference in the Swale song, dedicated the show to Mike Luomafor his outstanding work bringing music to the Champlain Valley for decades and mentioned his old spacey radio show, Headphones Only. I talked about seeing Dragnet for the first time, and how it seemed so slow, but you could tell it was about to explode, plugged Vedora’s March 28 show at Nectar’s,then gushed about my love for the Cush. I talked about it being a cold night in Burlington and how if it wasn’t cloudy, I’d be able to see Orion, and this next song reminded me of that.

6.) Stylus of Id – Somah

7.) Second Time – Cold Sweat

8.) Cadillac – The Vacant Lots

I talked about the Lots playing in town for a while then moving on to east coast, west coast and southern tours with psychedelic rock bands. I talked about their visuals at their shows, and losing time once while seeing them. I talked about being a kid and calling the dj on the phone, and one day he said I had to see a band called Cold Sweat at Texas, then traveling around New England to see them again. I did not mention that I thought I had Hey Ernie queued up (it said it in the player), but it’s great to hear Scott Fultztoo. I talked about how Texas became Club Toast and Kd Churchill’s and how it was a dance club now, but would maybe one day have live music again. I talked a bit more about looking up to the sky, seeing Orion pull back his bow, and thinking of Somah. I talked about about how Caroline O’Connorand Sean Altruiwould create a cool drone, live onstage, then play sax and djembe over it. I said music is hard to described so I just played it.

9.) Mystery – Tapis Bleu

10.) Naked Garden part J – Peg Tassey and Proud of It

I said I was leaving it where it began in the naked garden, I hope you enjoyed the music and see you next week.


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I came back and said it was the 30th anniversary of Script for a Jester’s Tear by Marillion and hit play. The title song started about a minute and a half into it. Aarrgh! I let it play, made sure the station was set for auto, and left after it mixed into Dweezil.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,