Happy Birthday Monkey House December 29, 2011

Words by Tim Lewis.

I had a great time at the Monkey House Thursday. What a way to celebrate your birthday. Two great bands, several other really cool performers. No cover charge. Half price drinks. Thanks Monkey House!!!!

I walked in to Paddy Reagan playing a couple of really solid acoustic tunes. Next up the mood turned a bit more country for Kelly Ravin’s nice 3 song set. The first really had a cool sweep to it, and moved very nicely. The others were cool, but a bit more straight forward. Nuda Veritas followed with a couple of heavily looped poetry platforms. She really went off and was excellent! Next up Swale played a low key set starting with a song from each of the 3 musicians. They followed with the Jay Z mashup with Sabbath’s War Pigs. Oh yea, the house was rocking then!! The Smittens followed with a set that kept me guessing. I may have underestimated them. They were lots of fun, and I love hearing Dana sing. Dino Bravo closed the night with a furious roar. They opened with the song about the ocean. It was loud and rocking and fun was had by all that stayed. If I were to do a new years resolution it would be to get to the Monkey House for bands more this coming year, than I did this past one.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog, https://timstriangletribune.wordpress.com.