Jack Haskell, Journalist, Joins Big Heavy World Crew
Photo by Brianna Christenson.
"I joined Big Heavy World about a month and a half ago to help with interviewing and blogging for Rocket Shop and other Big Heavy writing projects. I was directed to Jim through Mr. Michael Ryan Fetcher, a local legend and writer for BHW. I respect mostly every type of music so I have had a great time interviewing and writing about the many different bands that have rolled through the station. I hope to keep active in the Big Heavy community and possibly start a radio show sometime during the summer months. Though it is always hot up here in the station, my love for music in Vermont runs deep, so I will come back to BHW time and time again. My interests are playing/listening to music, live music, working at the Vermont Lakemonsters, not working at the Vermont Lakemonsters, swimming in the lake and at the buckets, good summer beer, synthesizers, squirrels, BIGheavy, and dags (dogs)."