Christie Belanger Visits Rocket Shop

christiebelanger1 Words by Jusin Landau.

Recently, Christie Belanger appeared on the Rocket Shop, and I was lucky to get the chance to sit down and talk with this budding musician. Christie is 18 years old, and is currently an Education Major and Film and Television Studies Minor at The University of Vermont. Though she originally hails from New York City, "I love Vermont and Burlington, it is a change of pace." Christie attended the Laguardia Music School, and studied instructional flute. However, it was not until Senior Year that she began to enjoy her classes, with one in particular. Each Student would write their own song, and collaborate with other classmates. "After this course, I became more confident in my abilities, as well as helping to better understand my place in music."

Currently, Christine is "still trying to get my music out there, and to just enjoy playing." Her music currently is folk-esque, and "is inspired by the monumental things that occur in my life. I think about these when I am playing, and aim to exert my feelings through the music." Though Christie plays folk style music, she also listens to many other genres, and lists some favorites as A Tribe Called Quest and Jurassic 5. So far Christine has played in open mics at Slade dorm on UVM campus, and hopes to soon play at Radio Bean. Christie also has a December show planned at The Yippie Cafe in New York City. Her album Bare is available for purchase at She is a very talented musician, and if you get the chance I would highly recommend seeing her play and giving Christie's album a listen.
