The Underground Interviewed

underground1 Words By Justin Landau. Photos by Juliet Degree.

I recently had the privilege of speaking with three members of The Underground at Big Heavy World. The band is compromised of five members over all: The two Ians, Mike, Rosemary, and Daphnee. While relaxing and eating some local Chinese food, I spoke with them about both the band and themselves.

The Underground started at the end of November 2009, and are based out of CVU (Champlain Valley Union High School). Thus far, they have played two shows, both at CVU, and have recorded a three song demo, along with having plans for a seven to eight song demo being finished this winter. The two Ians and Mike originally played together in the band Piece of the Previews, but created The Underground based on the idea of the desire for two female singers. Daphnee and Rosemary have been singing together since the age of five, and the group considers themselves “all best best friends, a big dysfunctional family.”

The group would consider themselves to have an alternative hard rock sound. Despite this, they draw inspiration from all different genres, and have “group lyric and emotional guitar riffs.” Inspiration also comes from life. Lyrically, “the lyrics are meant to be so relatable that the listener can put themselves in the place and scene of the story, not just describing feelings.”

I was able to listen to the three members practice, along with hearing them perform live on The Radiator. Their acoustic set was very calm and soothing, accompanied by Rosemary’s beautiful voice. The band aims to play more shows in the near future when all the members are back together, so be sure to look for them playing shows in downtown Burlington.
