Maxx Vick's New Big Heavy World Video

My name is Maxx Vick - I did this video (and videos to come) to support Big Heavy World. I was asked to do a PSA for my Electronic Recording Arts Class at Burlington Tech Center and when I heard that Big Heavy was looking for someone to do some video for them, I jumped on the chance. I've known about Big Heavy for quite some time being a local and a part of the Burlington hardcore scene. I've seen all of the useful things Big Heavy does for local music, and for youth of Burlington, so in this video I tried to encompass everything that Big Heavy World stands for. It's short but sweet, and I hope to do more work with Jim and the Crew in the near future. I'd like to hope that this video not only educates people about what Big Heavy World is all about, but also what the Burlington music scene is all about.

I'd like to thank the following bands (in no real order): Crucial Times, Local Alive And Well, Local Defeater, Boston Mass, The Flood, Local From The Ground Up, Local