

Words by Aaron Ball

Photos by Nikk McCarron

In CrowfeatheR’s perspective, a mother’s heartbeat is the first song a person ever hears. So when CrowfeatheR was asked when he first got started with music, he responded with “In the womb, beginning of time.” CrowfeatheR is a singer, songwriter, multiply endorsed guitar player, and radio programmer. He describes his style of music as Post-Grunge/New Metal/Modern Rock. He has an EP out for radio, though it isn’t for sale. When asked about what inspires him to create music, CrowfeatheR replied, “There’s noises in my head that need to come out. Some people hear voices in their head. I hear melodies and rhythms.”

CrowfeatheR grew up in Burlington, but states “I’ve been to here and there, and hell and back, but learned some good songs while I was there.” His influences include Jeff Buckley, Sevendust, and Cold. The most important thing about music to him is that “it’s got to have passion.”

Besides being a musician, CrowfeatheR also has his own program on 105.9FM The Radiator, which runs from 8-10pm on Fridays. The show plays top level regional artists from around New England. He is also part of New England Music Television, a syndicated program which plays music videos of artists from around New England. You can check out New England Music Television at and contact CrowfeatheR at or on twitter: @gothiclolitalvr.
