'World of Music' Celebrates National Didgeridoo Day

img_2647 Cheryl Willoughby's 'World of Music' airs Mondays from 3-5pm on The Radiator. On November 23 she hosted special guest Pitz Quattrone, local didgeridoo artist and craftsman. Last year Quattrone founded Vermont's first annual National Didgeridoo Day and hosted a series of concerts in Montpelier with his Earthman band. The second annual Nat'l Didgeridoo Day was last Weds. (Nov. 25th). The didgeridoo (or "Yidaki", in the native Aboriginal language) is a fascinating instrument with a history that goes back over 40,000 years. Traditionally the long tubes were created by termites hollowing out the limbs of eucalyptus trees, and these days didgeridoos are made of everything from sunflower and bamboo stocks to PVC piping. Pitz has played the didgeridoo for more than a decade, and he also makes them at his home in Adamant, VT.



Photos by Kiefer Merrill and Cheryl Willoughby.