And I Missed It……Lendway At Red Square October 26, 2009

Words by Tim Lewis.

night Lendway played 3 sets at Red Square. I had to work until 11 but thought maybe I could catch a couple of songs. I got out of work, dropped some stuff at home and raced downtown. Unfortunately the Square had a DJ come on after so when I got there the band were all packed up and boring dance music was playing. I was pretty sure I was doomed from the start but it was so worth it to try. Even if I had caught a half of a song or so it would have been worth the walk.

It ended up not working out, but hey, sometimes you have to try!

Please feel free to pick up some of my slack as my work hours extend later and later through the holiday season. Go see local music as often as possible, especially really good bands like Lendway.

This post was originally published by Tim Lewis at his personal blog,