CREW JOB: Audio/Video Engineer

(Ongoing, Multiple Positions) Prerequisites: This position is for MacGyvers only; if you're looking for posh studio digs with an espresso machine, you're on the wrong side of Vermont's music scene. Help us kludge a production and broadcast environment for cable television, radio, and the web.

Description: Record live concerts with our new four-channel Fostex MR-8 digital recorder and process recordings to the Big Heavy World web site; inventory our P.A. system and recommend improvements; help set-up our Mac platform production and digitizing studio (sound board, M-Audio S/PDIF interface; DAT; cassette; microphones, etc.); produce public service announcements for WOMM-LP The Radiator; assist with broadcast studio engineering in The Radiator; expand the A/V system and 'sound stage' in the office; author grant applications for infrastructure improvements to digitizing and broadcasting programs.

Practical Objective: Create stable production and broadcast studios for radio, video, and web production with minimal financial resources and lots and lots of gaffer's tape.